I set big goals for myself two weeks ago when I had a long weekend. And I did a pretty darned good job of keeping them...
I finished my hat and have been wearing it non-stop. It is made from Mega Merino, a soft, warm and squishy yarn that I used to sell in my shop.
I removed the offending neck from my sweater, knit on a new neck CORRECTLY, and am about halfway done with one sleeve. The only problem is, I can't remember where I put the remaining skeins of yarn to finish the sweater. Doh!
Sweater is based on an old cotton rolled edge sweater that I love to throw on for weekend lounging. |
I finished reading Raven Threads, but am only now starting Unraveled. It's very unlike me, but I didn't read anything for a week and a half.
I'm up to date on my Temperature Quilt, and I'm liking it. It's going to be an odd quilt, for sure, but it'll be colorful, and sometimes that's all I need to make me happy.
I hate not having a design wall! This is most of the first two columns, but I can't put them together until February is over so I can add in the February average temperatures in the right place. The yellows are the freakishly warm days we've had. The darker the blue, the colder it was! |
I didn't quite make my goal of 20 On Ringo Lake blocks completed, but I've got 18 and am slowly assembling the rest.
The problem is this: I opened one of those darned emails from Pinterest with some Pins they think I'd like and they were right. I saw this pin:
Image Credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/457819118351516579/ |
and had to start making one right away! Scrappy...check! Will use up some of my overflowing pre-cut scraps...check! Will challenge me...since I am new to Half Rectangle Triangle Blocks, check! I haven't gotten far, but I am having fun seeing these blocks come together.
I'm using this as a Leaders & Enders project for my On Ringo Lake quilt...or is it the other way around? Either way, I'm at my machine every chance I get, which, unfortunately, isn't as much as I'd like.
That's OK, I have a two-week break coming up in March. I'm going to name my goals for that now - finish piecing On Ringo Lake and baste/start hand quilting my new niece/nephew's quilt before his/her arrival at the beginning of April.
In the meantime, I have a busy weekend ahead of me - running the clock at three different basketball games for three different teams, watching my husband's team compete in the conference quarterfinals (send winning thoughts our way on Saturday afternoon), and driving a vanload of kids to the movies to see Black Panther (we, as a school, rented out a theater and buses to take our students). I hope I can find some time to sew and knit this weekend, too!
Oh, and I spent an entire day last weekend watching Alias Grace on Netflix. It was darker and had less resolution and clarity at the end than I typically like, but oh the quilts! Beautiful!!!