and two had baggies of scraps with my name on them.

It's great to have a reputation as a scrap quilter! And when I showed my Scrappy Stars top, I told them all that if they looked closely, many of them would see fabric that they had given me in there. Oh, and lately we have had a table of freebies every month. I pawed through some of the fabric and came home with some for myself.

Then, when I got home, there was a package waiting for me from Jan. I had completely forgotten that this was coming. The cutest little mini postcard

and an absolutely stunning piece of candlewicking! I'm actually thinking of getting yet another Quilt Block Frame from Angela at Country Scrap Quilts to display this in - I love it. Thank you, Jan! (caution - lousy photo - this is pretty hard to photograph)

That evening, Jason's best friend and his two younger sisters showed up for a sleepover. First, we went outside to play Kick The Can in the dark - I have such great memories of playing that as a kid. One of the little girls had me laughing so hard that I got captured. She is always dressed in pink and purple, and as we were hiding, she said to me, "OK, I have to find somewhere pink and purple to hide so I can blend in." Once the kids were good and tired, we came in to watch movies in our new (almost finished except for the paint and the furniture) home theater in our basement. First it was Charlotte's Web (more childhood memories for me - I ADORE that story), then Cars. Only Jason made it to the end of the second movie.

This morning, the kids played very well together while I did some much needed housework - swept and mopped all the floors, did a load of laundry, and got dinner in the crockpot. Then my mom showed up to see my basement, and then off to the basketball game we went. The boys did GREAT singing the National Anthem before the game. Even one of the officials came up to me during a time out to tell me to be sure to let the kids know how much he enjoyed their performance. Then, during the game, I was amazed - the kids actually paid attention and kept stats for their "adopted" player(s). At halftime, when they each stepped up to the microphone to introduce themselves and share the halftime stats, they got so much applause. Not one of them hesitated at all about talking in front of all those people. I'm SO proud of them all! I know that quite a few people took photos, so I'll share one when I get to see one. I know the photographer for the local newspaper was there - maybe the boys will have a photo in the paper. Wouldn't they be tickled!
And to top it all off, my husband's team won! I went to the store to get apples to make his favorite dessert - Apple Crisp. It came out of the oven just as the kids were preparing for bed, so they got some, too. Now, I am taking a break from ironing and cutting down the scraps I got this weekend. I was hoping to have them all done tonight, but I don't think it is going to happen - I am exhausted! Happy, but exhausted.

Then, when I got home, there was a package waiting for me from Jan. I had completely forgotten that this was coming. The cutest little mini postcard

and an absolutely stunning piece of candlewicking! I'm actually thinking of getting yet another Quilt Block Frame from Angela at Country Scrap Quilts to display this in - I love it. Thank you, Jan! (caution - lousy photo - this is pretty hard to photograph)

That evening, Jason's best friend and his two younger sisters showed up for a sleepover. First, we went outside to play Kick The Can in the dark - I have such great memories of playing that as a kid. One of the little girls had me laughing so hard that I got captured. She is always dressed in pink and purple, and as we were hiding, she said to me, "OK, I have to find somewhere pink and purple to hide so I can blend in." Once the kids were good and tired, we came in to watch movies in our new (almost finished except for the paint and the furniture) home theater in our basement. First it was Charlotte's Web (more childhood memories for me - I ADORE that story), then Cars. Only Jason made it to the end of the second movie.

This morning, the kids played very well together while I did some much needed housework - swept and mopped all the floors, did a load of laundry, and got dinner in the crockpot. Then my mom showed up to see my basement, and then off to the basketball game we went. The boys did GREAT singing the National Anthem before the game. Even one of the officials came up to me during a time out to tell me to be sure to let the kids know how much he enjoyed their performance. Then, during the game, I was amazed - the kids actually paid attention and kept stats for their "adopted" player(s). At halftime, when they each stepped up to the microphone to introduce themselves and share the halftime stats, they got so much applause. Not one of them hesitated at all about talking in front of all those people. I'm SO proud of them all! I know that quite a few people took photos, so I'll share one when I get to see one. I know the photographer for the local newspaper was there - maybe the boys will have a photo in the paper. Wouldn't they be tickled!
And to top it all off, my husband's team won! I went to the store to get apples to make his favorite dessert - Apple Crisp. It came out of the oven just as the kids were preparing for bed, so they got some, too. Now, I am taking a break from ironing and cutting down the scraps I got this weekend. I was hoping to have them all done tonight, but I don't think it is going to happen - I am exhausted! Happy, but exhausted.