Only one, the purple with green leaves, has been hand quilted so far, but I'll be working on the others soon.

But there's been no time to sit still lately. On Monday, we went to Kings Dominion amusement park. It's official - I'm a scaredy-cat who doesn't like rollercoasters!
On Tuesday, it was Colonial Williamsburg. As an archaeological anthropology major in college, I really enjoyed this trip. Jason also enjoyed it and wrote "HISTORY ROCKS!" on his brochure. Donald, on the other hand, complained nearly every second of the day. But what fun, hands-on stuff there was to do!

Washing hands the old-fashioned way (soap and water instead of hand sanitizer from a pump dispenser)

Participating in a play (Jason -in blue in front - was militia; that's why he's marching)
I'm proud to report that I resisted the temptation to leave the complaining Donald in the stockades until we were ready to leave...
Wednesday, we had karate, and then rollerskating, but it turns out the skating rink was closed. Never fear - the bowling alley was right down the road. The boys were hilarious cheering each other on. Also waiting for the balls to return (yeah, one of those kids isn't mine - Donald had a friend over for a sleepover).