I've got lots of good reasons (excuses) for not blogging last week.
Mon - Karate after work, then grocery shopping since I had just gotten back from vacation and the cupboard was BARE!
Tue - I had to work until 9:30 PM - enough said! Ugh!
Wed - Two karate classes back to back after work - we test for our blue belts this weekend!
Thu - Our renters moved out of our rental property sometime last month without bothering to tell us (or pay the rent, or clean up after themselves, or even completely move out!). On Thursday, we borrowed a friend's truck and spent two hours lugging out all the CRAP they left - 3 trips to the dump, one to the food pantry and one to Goodwill. The place was a sty! There was food left on the stove, coffee in the coffeepot, clothes in the washer, you name it. I swear it looked like they went out for groceries and never came back! Anyway, it was gross, but also a bit fun as a family project. I gave the kids disinfectant wipes and the Swiffer Wet Mop and told them they could clean anything they wanted. They are still young enough to think that is fun...
Fri - Opening night of the drive-in movie! I volunteered at the booth where they sell glow stuff and t-shirts and stuff, so I had to be there 2 hours before the movie started. They played The Blindside (loved it!) and It's Complicated (we left because I wasn't sure it would be appropriate for the kiddos).
Sat - Our quilt guid had its annual auction where members bring in unwanted quilt related items, and we auction them off to ourselves. We raised over $1000, and I came home with some great finds. There will be photos in my next post, so stay tuned. Then, that afternoon, we had a Bike Rodeo for cub scouts. Again, lots of fun - although the cop who ran the event wanted to know where Donald learned to drive (his bike) in that kamikaze way - he seemed to think it was a learned behavior, and gave me an assessing look. Nope, not me; I am a sedate driver - that must come from his daddy!
Sun - I have been wanting a clothesline for a long time, and on Sunday my hubby went out for the materials, and our family project was setting it up. I LOVE IT! I had forgotten how good line-dried clothes smell! I did four loads of laundry, and spent the time in between loads on the porch reading and sipping sun tea and enjoying the view.
So, I haven't been blogging, but I have gotten a tiny bit of quilting done - again, photos will come in a subsequent post. I've also been reading. I read two books in a cozy mystery series that I had never heard of before, and it is fast becoming a favorite. I finished the first two books,

On What Grounds and Through The Grinder in the Coffeehouse Mystery Series by Cleo Coyle. There are eight books total, and I guarantee I'll be reading the next six.
Tonight there is karate, and then cub scouts, but I hope to also post some photos of my auction finds. If I say it, I will do it (or so I tell myself).