Monday, December 20, 2010

Another present ready to wrap!

I should be sewing down binding, and I'm going to get to it in just a few moments. But first, look! I made my first apron!

This will be for my brother's girlfriend's daughter (can I just call her my niece?), who is 11. I remember her saying something this past year about liking to cook, so I bought her a cookbook, and made her this apron to wear while trying out all her new recipes. I'm trying to get the next generation to embrace aprons the way I do!

I'm proud of:
my first pocket, lined

and decorative stitching along the bottom

Hmmm, the closeups of those features make me think maybe I shouldn't be too proud. So they aren't perfect; I'm proud of myself for trying them!

I could have finished the ends of the ties that go around the waist better, but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
Wait! Did you just hear that? There is some binding calling to me...gotta go!