Another grueling week! So busy that I barely have time to speak or write complete sentences. I feel like all of my communication with others lately has been curt, hurried, much like a text message. So when I found myself with a few spare moments yesterday, I found myself thinking of how thankful I am for all of you and those emails and comments I get from you all throughout the day - it really lifts me up during this stressful time. When my few spare moments were over yesterday afternoon, before my husband came home and I had to go back to work (until 2 AM! Then back up again at 6 this morning! Ugh!), this is what I had come up with:

It goes out especially to Em, whose silly emailed photos always bring a smile to my face. Thanks for reading, and for hanging in there with me when all I do is whine about how busy/tired/overworked I am.
Oh, and I almost forgot. At some point this week I found the time to put the scrappy border on my first Birdie BOM. I love using up those 2.5" scraps, and I love how bright and cheerful it is going to be. Of course, at 2 months/block, it will take me two years to complete the top...