I had hoped to get lots of creating in during my winter break from school...and I did! It started with a mad dash to make a memory quilt for a friend who lost her beloved dog. I had six pages of printer fabric sheets, so I found some photos of her pup online and made a quick quilt for her. She is TALL and I wanted her to be able to cuddle in it, so it is pretty large, about 65"x 98". I can't make a quick quilt that big using my usual little pieces, so the blocks are huge, each finishing at 31.5" square. What a departure for me! Probably not something I'll do again, but she really appreciated it so mission accomplished.
Preparing to baste for quilting... |
After that, my desire to sew was gone, so I spent a lot of time knitting:
RBG Ornaments |
Christmas crowns for my nieces |
Socks for my sister-in-law |
A Shoulder Cozy for my mom |
More progress on my Excavation Blanket |
Using up more sock yarn scraps in my Coziest Memory Blanket |
And then, just like that, I wanted to sew again! I joined a Block Exchange and have already completed and mailed January's blocks:
I made two blue Bear Paw blocks - this is the year I am determined to finish this quilt and give it to my stepfather.
I've been working on this since October 2019 - what's taking me so long??? |
I've been chipping away at my scraps. With this bag of scraps and this tin of HSTs,
I am making this modified Rail Fence.
Hmmm...might reverse the HSTs on half of the blocks to see if that makes them all seem continuous... |
And making blocks based on the 2020 Scrap Buster Challenge from Border Creek Station.
Haven't decided on a layout yet, just playing around as I add blocks |
I'm sad that vacation is over but I'm glad I had so much time to create, create, create! Now it is back to work, work, work.
Happy New Year, everyone! I'm linking up with Oh Scrap and Monday Making.