I've covered a lot of ground since my last post. I flew to Guayaquil, Ecuador by way of Panama, spent two nights there, and now I'm in Quito. I spent Sunday in Guayaquil, and of course, schools are closed on Sunday, so I had a ME day.
- I slept in. (aaaahhhhh!)
- I worked out in the gym. (ugh!)
- I ate 4 pieces of bacon at breakfast. (yum!!!)
- I visited a museum. (and just my luck, free on Sundays!)
- I took a river cruise on a pirate ship. (I'm not even joking)
- I visited the Mercado Artesenal. (gotta get trinkets for the people back home, you know)
- I climbed 444 stairs to the top of a neat neighborhood built on a hill, Las Penas. (pretend there's a tilde over the n)
- I had dinner with a friend who was stranded in Guayaquil after a cancelled flight (and is STILL stranded, poor thing!)
- And I quilted. (of course, I could have just spent the entire day quilting, and it would have been a GOOD day)
What a day! Here are some photos:
There was a rail fence quilt in the museum!!! |
Close up so you can read it - if you read spanish, that is. |
Isn't this tree awesome? I wanted to climb it, but thought that might really mark me as a tourist... |
That's A LOT of steps! Going up wasn't so bad, but coming down, I thought my legs were going to give out! |
The view from the top of Las Penas, looking out over the river (and prepared to shoot canonballs at pirates, is my guess) |
Wait! Is that a pirate right there? |
I can't help but buy earrings. This is just the start - I'm sure I'll have 10 new pair before my trip is done. |
And the women in my office always seem to like my bag that I bought in Ecuador two years ago, so I bought some more, in case anyone wants one. |
Then, after a day of school visits, I hopped a plane here to Quito. Lovely upgrade in the room, including access to the Executive Lounge
(my second hotel in a row with FREE FOOD! I'm so spoiled! Loyalty has its privileges!). I was tired and feeling grimy. There was a plush robe, a tub over two feet deep, Sandalwood Bath Salts, and a solicitous young woman delivered a rose to my door while she asked if everything was to my likely. What's a gal to do, but settle in for a SOAK!
JW Marriott in Quito - I highly recommend it if you are ever here. They know how to treat a gal like a queen! |
Three more days of school visits, and then I get to go home. Since I've been to Quito about 7 years running now, I'm not feeling too much pressure to go out and explore, although I'm sure I'll find something new to do. I'm hoping to get most, if not all of the white quilted in the Scrappy String Star quilt. And with all the time I'll have in the plane and in airports flying home on Thursday night/Friday morning, I'm pretty sure I'm going to finish quilting the Orange Creamsicle quilt on this trip, too. Woo hoo!
The "vintage" pillowcases and sheets in this quilt are SO SOFT! |
Actually, how can you tell if a sheet or pillowcase is vintage, do you know? Is there an "age limit" for vintage? Or are we just saying "used"? |