The good news is, I am over the hump! My husband's team lost on Friday night, and after going to work on Saturday morning, and then to my son's basketball game, I came home and spent the afternoon in bed reading and napping and snacking and generally just being a bum. But Sunday was a whole different story. I woke up on a mission, and had our taxes filed before 9 AM, and all the bathrooms cleaned before 11. I did dishes, two loads of laundry, swept the entire first floor, put another row of stitches in the border of my Bright Idea quilt while watching another episode of Rosemary and Thyme, helped my sons clean/purge their room while preparing two boxes for Goodwill and one for the dump, and finally, I got my Strips and Scrap-plique top together.

(ignore the dirty window and dying plant - I told you I've been lazy lately!)
I am trying for a frayed, dimensional look to the flowers and leaves and vine, so I sewed them all down roughly (very roughly!) one quarter inch in, and am now in the process of snipping the edges of applique pieces (think rag quilt) before I throw it in the wash to see what happens. If it works the way I want, great! I'll sandwich it and hand quilt it. If it doesn't work, I'll pull the applique off and try something else, but that probably means it will get relegated to the dark recesses of my closet for a time while I get over my disappointment and frustration. Let's hope it frays up the way I want.
All the naps and reading were nice while they lasted, but I'm glad to have my energy back, if for no reason other than to keep up with these two (last weekend they made sock puppets - fun, fun, fun!).