First off, my sister-in-law is COVID-free and home from the hospital!! Her recovery is far from over, but we are so thankful that she is out of the woods!!
I've been trying to discipline myself to finish things up rather than start more new things. I got the pineapple baby quilt top pieced together and basted, now just contemplating how to quilt it.
Not sure yet how I will quilt it...but it is basted and ready to go! |
I put a skinny border on my cross-patch quilt, and am trying to decide if that is it. I think so...but I'm going to let it sit for a while.
I don't think I want to add more borders, but I'm not sure. Gonna revisit this in a little bit. |
I pulled out my 2018 temperature quilt top. I've been trying to figure out what to do for borders.
I have SO MUCH Kona solid left after making this project! |
At first I thought I'd do a border that had all 32 of my Kona fabrics that I bought for this quilt around the outside, but I got two sides done and didn't like it, so instead I pulled the two fabrics that represent the yearly average high and low temperatures, and used those as borders. DONE! Now to baste and quilt.
I also finished knitting a rainbow shawlette...
Still needs to be blocked...hopefully it won't look so lopsided then! |
and have been making progress on my Earthy Excavation scrap blanket.
I love, Love, LOVE this project! So simple and interesting and I'm using up all the little bits and bobs of leftover yarn! |
Can you tell I've also been spending a lot of time outdoors? Lots of reading going on, too! According to my Goodreads account, I've read and/or listened to 55 books so far this year. My goal of 24 books in 2020 was obviously too modest. Maybe I can read 100?
I'm linking up with
Oh Scrap and
Monday Making.