Anyway, I walked in the store, and the notions were right there, front and center. I found what I needed within 20 seconds of entering the store, which is both good, and not so good. I didn't want to turn around and leave with my purchase without actually getting to browse! So, I started my first pass around the store, admiring fabrics, but being oh-so-good about not buying anything. Until I hit the sale rack. A bright paisley nearly jumped off the rack and into my arms. But it was on sale, and I had a credit on my card, so two yards of bright paisley packed its bags to come live with me.
However, that fabric peeked outside and saw the snow and the brisk winter wind and pleaded with me to pick up another fabric for it to huddle together with on the journey back to my house. I am a sucker for a pleading paisley, but I am trying to be fiscally responsible, so I asked myself, "What do I really need?" (I'm using the term "need" loosely.) And it hit me, I've been wanting to make a quilt with a black background, so I headed over to the black section. Of course, none of that was on sale, but I did find a mottled black that I liked, so three yards of that wrapped itself around the paisley to keep it safe and warm. On my last pass through the store (you don't just look at everything once, do you?), another sale print sidled up to me suggestively, and I carried it to the cutting table, but I had an attack of conscience while waiting my turn for cutting, so I took it back. I could hearing it crying dejectedly all the way through cutting and check out and out the door.
At the end of the day, though, I am happy to report that my purchases didn't even half the credit on my card - I am the picture of restraint! And here is a picture of my purchases:

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I have to work, but I am determined to do it with a smile on my face and a bounce in my step, because I have a whole family of valentines waiting for me at home at the end of the day. May your days be as blessed as mine!