I've never met
Em in person, but I can say without reservation that she is one of my favorite people ever. I just love her spirit and her creativity and her goofiness and her generosity. I'm hoping to have a chance to meet her next summer when we are hoping to take a family vacation out west. If you've never "met" her, I encourage you to visit her blog. And what a great time to be visiting as she is having
a special giveaway - wrap yourself in a quilt, take a photo, send the photo to her and you are entered!
Jason is wrapped in the Spiderman quilt I made him several years ago. He is outgrowing it, and I need to make him a new quilt soon.

And here I am in the quilt that Em sent me last year. It lives on my recliner, and I love to wrap myself up in it and feel the warm embrace of a good friend.

Jason asked why we were taking these photos, what we could win. One of the quilts that Em makes, I told him. "Cool!" he said. "Her quilts are AWESOME!" I agree!