My kids are feeling better. No fevers and mucous production is down, but they are still coughing so hard that it makes me cringe. However, they've been inside all week, and today was a gorgeous day in southwestern Virginia, so I let them go outside to play.

We also had a picnic lunch on the porch.

Most of the week, however, they've been inside reading and watching TV and alternately making a mess in their room and then having to clean it up again. They were thrilled when my mom gave them this little joystick/game thingie to play old school arcade games on the TV - Pacman, Rally X, Galaga.
I've gotta say, even all the grownups in the house have taken a turn or two. It brings back memories - of course my memory is that I stink at those types of games. Oh well, I'd rather be sewing anyway.