My days on the road have a predictable rhythm to them - rush about from 7:30 AM until 3 PM, visiting school after school, saying the same thing over and over again to new faces every hour, craving something to eat or drink but not having the time to stop for fear I won't make it to my next appointment on time. But then 3 o'clock rolls around and schools let out, and there is nothing more for me to do. That's when I start exploring. And West Virginia is fertile ground for seeking out QUILTS!
I stopped at a public library to use the rest room, and this antique mall was across the street.

These old quilts are SOOOO soft!
I was intrigued by this block - I'm pretty sure I've never seen it. Anyone know what it is called?

Here's what I'd like my hand quilting to look like on my quilts decades after they have been completed. Beautiful!

Here's what I'd like my hand quilting to look like on my quilts decades after they have been completed. Beautiful!
New and old, all mixed together.

I love driving the back roads rather than the highways. There is always something to see. Jackpot!

There were so many things I'd love to have taken home with me, these 32 hand pieced blocks, for example. I love them, but I feel confident that I'll not piece these blocks on my own.

Oh, I LOVED this soft, worn earthy quilt!

but personal property taxes are due in a few weeks and I'm trying to be mindful of money. I patted myself on the back for walking away with just a bag of solid fabric scraps, something I don't have much of (solids, not scraps).

Oh, I LOVED this soft, worn earthy quilt!

but personal property taxes are due in a few weeks and I'm trying to be mindful of money. I patted myself on the back for walking away with just a bag of solid fabric scraps, something I don't have much of (solids, not scraps).

The big SALE sign at JoAnn's got me in the door. I was looking for more Quilt Patis to work on my Grandmother's Flower Garden hexagon quilt. No luck, but I did get two packages of batting for 40% off (I can't wait to get my needle into my Great Great Grandmother's Quilt!), two remnants at 50% off, and some flannel for $2.99/yard. I've got an idea for a rag quilt percolating in my little head...