And that new pink owl fabric that I bought has been calling my name, so I whipped up a nightie/sundress for my niece. It was so easy, I'm pretty sure I'll be making another one for the daughter of a friend. Donald was not happy about being pressed into service as my dress form.
The weekend is nearly over, and I've not accomplished nearly the sewing that I had hoped to do:
- make a second dress
- make two Bee blocks
- sandwich the quilt that was commissioned at the Old Middlebrook Village Day, now that the backing and batting has been ordered and received
so I guess I should get back to it. I'll leave you with photos from the campout - what a blast!
We camped at the top of a hill at a Field Training Exercise site for Virginia Military Institute.
Down the hill was a pavilion with electricity and bathrooms where we ate and also watched "Follow Me, Boys" a 1966 Disney movie with Fred McMurray and a young Kurt Russell about scouting.
We could get down there by following this path,
but the boys preferred to pile into the back of this truck - can you blame them? Even I went for a ride in the back.
We played an extremely unfair couple games of Tug Of War - tons of scouts:
versus 5 leaders (I'm the second in line wearing a cap and giving myself a hernia trying to pull those trash-talking tykes over the line.) Needless to say, we lost.

They also played ball, took a tree-identification hike, and made duct tape wallets. Truly, the only downside of the whole adventure was the ticks, but luckily I only had to extract 1 from my boys. So, another year of scouting under our belts. Donald will be joining as a Tiger Scout next year, and I volunteered (in front of many witnesses so I can't back out) to be his den leader. Jason is bummed that I won't be his leader, but I reminded him that he still can't drive, so I'll still be at all his meetings; besides, Donald needs to see that I am willing to commit to his activities the same as I've been committed to Jason's these past few years. I'm just hoping that I don't overextend myself to the point where I need to be committed...
They also played ball, took a tree-identification hike, and made duct tape wallets. Truly, the only downside of the whole adventure was the ticks, but luckily I only had to extract 1 from my boys. So, another year of scouting under our belts. Donald will be joining as a Tiger Scout next year, and I volunteered (in front of many witnesses so I can't back out) to be his den leader. Jason is bummed that I won't be his leader, but I reminded him that he still can't drive, so I'll still be at all his meetings; besides, Donald needs to see that I am willing to commit to his activities the same as I've been committed to Jason's these past few years. I'm just hoping that I don't overextend myself to the point where I need to be committed...