Billie Holiday Pictures
(for those who are not familiar with the challenge, I chose one musical artist and answered the questions below using their song titles)
1. Are you a male or female? Sophisticated Lady
2. Describe yourself: Getting Some Fun Out of Life
3. How do you feel: I Don’t Know If I’m Coming or Going
4. Your family: Strange Fruit
5. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?: April In Paris
6. Your favorite form of transportation: A Sailboat in the Moonlight
7. Your best friend: My Man
8. Your favorite color is: If the Moon Turns Green
9. What's the weather like: Isn’t This A Lovely Day
10. Favorite day: Summertime
11. If your life was a TV show, what would it be called?: Everything Happens to Me
12. What is life to you? Havin’ Myself A Time
13. Your current relationship: Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man
14. Looking for: Nice Work if You Can Get It
15. Wouldn't mind: Pennies From Heaven
16. Your fear: The End of a Love Affair
17. What is the best advice you have to give: No Regrets
18. If you could change your name, you would change it to: Guess Who
19. Thought for the Day: Everything Happens for the Best
20. How I would like to die: Laughing At Life
21. Your pet: Gimme a Pigfoot (?)
22. Your motto: That’s Life, I Guess

Dinah Washington Pictures

Sarah Vaughn Pictures

Etta James Pictures

Ella Fitzgerald Pictures

Lena Horne Pictures