Last week's vacation ended with a surprise baby shower for my younger sister in Philadelphia. What fun! Here I am with my mom and sisters. Doesn't my sister look glamorous? I don't know how she does it, when I was pregnant I swear I looked haggard at all times.

Here she is again with her growing belly and her growing family.

The food was delicious and the games were fun, but my favorite was the presents. I love giving! The Bright Ideas quilt I've been working on forever was for her new baby - I could just never say it in case she was reading my blog.

And my twin sister is a knitter. Isn't this sweater, hat and mitten set just adorable? I wish I could fit into them.

As you can see, my sister had the same thought!

And here are some random photos from vacation, the horse and buggies that shared the road with us,

the teams working the fields,

a potting table that I want to make for myself.

So, after all that fun, I was dreading coming back to work, but guess what! We got free 15-minute massages at work today! Life is good!