Isn't the backing fabric yummy? And perfect for hiding dirt?

Remember the little 2.5" unfinished 4-patch orphan blocks that I picked up at the thrift store earlier this week? I sewed them together with some 2.5" neutrals that were already cut and in my scrap tins, and voila! A mini in the making. Come to find out, I had some yardage of the lighter fabric in the 4-patches, so I am using that as an inner border, and then I've picked out a striped fabric for the outer border (which I would like to miter), but I can't decide if I want the stripes parallel to the borders or perpendicular. Opinions, anyone?

And finally, here I am sitting at work and I get an email from Laurie Wisbrun, pattern and textile designer, letting me know that I won her giveaway and I get to pick 2 FQ packs. Can you believe it? I chose the two Urban Circus colorways, Spring and Earth - I can't wait to see what fun I can rustle up with those fabrics! Aren't they fresh and delicious? I'm particularly excited about the Earth colorway (bottom one).

If things continue like this, I'm going to have a FABULOUS weekend!