The blocks keep pouring in! Thank goodness for time away from work for Thanksgiving so I can get down in my sewing room and SEW! I'm about to turn that room into a SWEATSHOP, with some time set aside to EAT! My brother is hosting this year, so that takes a huge weight off my shoulders. Plus, I just finished a major project at work, so that is a relief, too. I've been working my tail off lately, getting only 4 and 5 hours of sleep most nights - I can't survive like that for long!
So here's what came on Monday:
95 quilt blocks (including 42 from 1 person!) - thanks, Sue S, Teri J, Barbara R, Karen W, Susan R, Gloria B, and Judy C! |
And here's today's mail:
3 blocks from Michele in Ontario - thanks, Michele! |
a cheater cloth backing from Lynda in Nevada - so cool! |
And a batting and some yardage from Lynda, too - thanks, Lynda! |
Monday was also the third meeting of my quilting class at the elementary school. Since they had deconstructed lots of jeans at our first meeting, I cut the denim down to 7.5" squares, and they started sewing them together, rag quilt style with some up-cycled linens on the back.
only 2 rows of 5 are sewn together so far with one more set of five ready to be added |
We also started to work on our county fair entry quilt. It is to be a combination of colored (with crayons) and embroidered blocks, so they started with some embroidered blocks, using a simple backstitch, to spell out "CENTRAL ELEMENTARY, READY TO QUILT". Some of them took right to it and completed or nearly completed their letters.
Some of the completed or nearly completed letters - we used red, blue and green variegated #8 perle cotton |
Close up of one of the letters - bigger stitches than I suggested, but for these kids' first time, I think they did great! |
Others really struggled, and I have some knotted messes to untangle before next time, but all in all, it was probably our best class yet. Right at dismissal, one of the girls came up and hugged me and said, "I love you!" My heart swelled so much it hurt!
OK, here I go, less typing, more sewing! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!