This is one of those times when I am glad that my hobby is one that can be done while sitting down. Yesterday, in karate, while trying out a very simple grab on my son, I tore my right calf muscle. There was an audible POP! which stopped everyone in their place, including me, and then the pain began. I'm in much less pain today, especially after an ice bath for my leg in the training room at the University, but the doctor says I shouldn't use it for the next 48-72 hours, and then gradually begin to introduce weight to the leg. Thank goodness I still have my crutches from last September's mishap. So what will I do? QUILT!
And to cheer me up, look what was waiting for me when I got home today:

I had forgotten about my online purchase from earlier this week. I see a pink and brown quilt in my future! And 4 yards of that polka dot should make a nice backing for something.
I'd rather my leg didn't hurt, but I'm glad to have a reason to NOT clean house, to just sit and sew.