First of all, big thanks to Emily at Em Celebrates. I won a giveaway, and she sent a package to my boys - even addressed it to them, much to their elation. Jason pulled out his 11-in-1 Cub Scout tool to cut open the package.

In that, another package.

In that, a bag (very clever, Emily, you kept them going for a while!).

And in that, some fun fabric and a book. Both perfect gifts for my little quilter/readers. Thanks, Emily.

(Do you think I could snip off a couple edges of this cute fabric without them noticing?)

Part of my attitude adjustment yesterday was to actually leave my desk for lunch. I've been working straight through lately, even though I know that isn't healthy, either physically or mentally. I got in the car, and ended up at the Habitat Resale store. I was half-heartedly looking for a bed frame when I came across this chair.

It may not look like much, but it was PERFECT! You see, I snipped this photo out of a magazine recently, hoping to customize a chair or two for my sewing studio.

This sturdy $5 chair already has the previous seat covering removed, so putting a new seat cover on should be a snap. I like the wood, so I don't think I'll paint the chair, but who knows. Oh, and to give credit where credit is due, I was also inspired by a photo from Victoria's BumbleBeans blog. I can't wait to get started. Of course, I have to work all weekend, so I probably won't get a chance to get to this right away. Grrrr! (Be thankful you have a job, Erin, be thankful you have a job...) Perhaps if I just keep repeating that to myself...
And finally, I am thankful that my husband's team won their game last night. They didn't play well, and ended up going into overtime, but a win is a win. Go Generals!