Well, there's nothing like getting fabric in the mail to catapault you back into the sewing room! Nancy, known on the blogosphere as Mamanance, sent me some homespuns from her collection for my Plaid Dresden Plate quilt (which needs a name, by the way; any ideas?), and that was all the impetus I needed. Thanks, Nancy! Every single fabric you sent is now in my quilt!

As soon as I made it back to the house from the mailblox yesterday, I finished piecing together the last two plates, which are now ready to be appliqued down during stolen moments this week - during lunch, waiting at the bus stop with the kids, in between karate classes this afternoon.

And I started piecing together the sashing strips and the 9-patch cornerstones. 
To the unpracticed eye, it may seem like I haven't gotten much done, but believe me, I was a whirling dervish in the sewing room last night. And I feel so much more settled now that most of the quilt is off the floor and on the design wall - I hate building a quilt on the floor; I'm spoiled, I know.

To the unpracticed eye, it may seem like I haven't gotten much done, but believe me, I was a whirling dervish in the sewing room last night. And I feel so much more settled now that most of the quilt is off the floor and on the design wall - I hate building a quilt on the floor; I'm spoiled, I know.
So, goals are good, right? My goal is to have this entire top pieced together by the time I go to bed Sunday night. I'm really anxious to have these blocks be a top and this top be a quilt. When my sister and I spend our "twins retreat" up at her new vacation home in New Hampshire in April, I plan to sleep under this quilt!
And I'll leave you with an image that a colleague sent me - obviously the photographer is NOT a quilter - I would be THRILLED to see that many quilt magazines in one place!