It was a crazy week for me at work, one that included a full meltdown featuring LOTS of angry tears. Does anyone else cry when they are angry? Does anyone else hate that they cry when angry? I always feel like it makes me seem weak, but oh, did I need that cry! Thank goodness my husband works nearby, so I called him to walk with me so I could vent and cry in a safe environment. Next week has to be better.
I didn't get to sew at all this week, but I'm trying to make up for it today. In addition to putting together another Hurricane Sandy quilt top (you guys have sent me enough blocks to keep me busy for months! Thanks!), I also started on
December's Block Lotto blocks, Star Crossed. I've made three so far, but plan to make more, hopefully the full 9 for more chances to win!
In addition to working my tail off all week, I also opened LOTS of mail from all of you:
Wednesday's Mail: 17 blocks and some yardage for backing plus a completed quilt - Thanks, Cathy from AZ and Cindy from OH!
Thursday's Mail: 4 completed quilts, 4 quilt tops, some orphan blocks and LOTS of disappearing 4-patch blocks (I forgot to count before adding them with the others)
NOTE that Wendy and her quild guild are responsible for a lot of this mail, but I left my notes with the guild name at work - sorry about that!
Completed quilt - thanks, Lane in TX! |
Completed quilt - thanks, Lane in TX! |
1 baby quilt top, various blocks - thanks, Laurel in LA! |
Completed quilt - thanks, Wendy and the Common Thread Quilt Guild! |
Completed quilt - thanks, Wendy and the Common Thread Quilt Guild! |
HUGE quilt top - thanks, Wendy and the Common Thread Quilt Guild! |
Quilt top - thanks, Wendy and the Common Thread Quilt Guild! |
I LOVE THIS QUILT TOP - thanks, Wendy and the Common Thread Quilt Guild! |
60 blocks - thanks, Barb in AL, Mani and Christine in Ontario, Margaret in Alberta and Wendy and the Common Thread Quilt Guild! |
Friday's Mail: 8 blocks - Thanks, Sherril and Kay from MA!
Saturday's Mail: 6 blocks - Thanks, Dianne from VA and Terrie and Sharon from CT!