Monday evening's cub scout meeting went much better. My co-den leader is back, and I think we make a pretty good team. The scouts (and I) now know how to care for a flag and fold it properly. They also know what all of the words mean in the Pledge of Allegiance. (Did you know that "indivisible" means that "you can't see it"? The kids had me laughing with their definitions.)
We also arranged to have our pack come to my husband's basketball team's season opener this weekend and sing the National Anthem at the start of the game. It won't be pretty...but I'm sure it will be super cute. There's not really much glass to shatter in the gym, anyway.
And then, to keep them engaged in the game, they are each going to "adopt" a player. I made up sheets for each player with their photo, jersey number, hometown, year in college, height/weight, plus some definitions (free throw, two-point basket, three-point basket, foul) and a place for them to tally each player's points and fouls. Then, at halftime, the announcer is going to let the cub scouts announce each player's halftime stats. Again, it should be really cute. Cub Scouts is FUN!
We also arranged to have our pack come to my husband's basketball team's season opener this weekend and sing the National Anthem at the start of the game. It won't be pretty...but I'm sure it will be super cute. There's not really much glass to shatter in the gym, anyway.
And then, to keep them engaged in the game, they are each going to "adopt" a player. I made up sheets for each player with their photo, jersey number, hometown, year in college, height/weight, plus some definitions (free throw, two-point basket, three-point basket, foul) and a place for them to tally each player's points and fouls. Then, at halftime, the announcer is going to let the cub scouts announce each player's halftime stats. Again, it should be really cute. Cub Scouts is FUN!
Work is so busy that I haven't had a lunch break yet this week. Today, however, I am determined to stop what I am doing, eat something, and do a bit more embroidery. Why did no one tell me that this is highly addictive? Here's my second Gail Pan block.

I think I am going to do three or four and incorporate them into a 12" block to put in my second Quilt Block Frame from Country Scrap Quilts.

I think I am going to do three or four and incorporate them into a 12" block to put in my second Quilt Block Frame from Country Scrap Quilts.
Be sure to thank a veteran today!