You know how I won the Urban Circus fat quarters from Laurie Wisbrun? Well, they arrived last week and they are gorgeous!! Lucky me! I'm going to make something for ME with these beauties.
Then, on Friday, I received an email from Vickie at Spun Sugar Quilts that I had won her City Quilts Tour Giveaway, and that the Kona Fat Quarter Solids were headed my way - WOO HOO!! I chose the Candy Corn colorway; not only could I use more of those colors in my stash, but I LOVE candy corn! How lucky can one gal get?

I decided to find out. I bought a lottery ticket.....

and didn't match even one number. OK, so I was pressing my luck. But I still feel like I won the lottery with my fabric winnings!
There was other luck involved with my week/weekend. Both my kids managed to have sleepovers with their friends ON THE SAME NIGHT! Do you know how many stars have to line up for THAT to happen? I had my hubby all to myself for 18 hours! Dinner, a movie, sleeping in - it was wonderful!
And I got Happy Birthday mail from Em. My birthday is not until late September, so I don't know if that was a mistake or, more likely, she just wanted to celebrate something with me, but anyway, look what she sent!!! I had mentioned that I didn't have any skeletons in my stash - well, now I do!
And for more detail on the little treasure box, check out her post about it. I had no idea when I read this that it was coming my way. Thank you, Em!!!
My only regret about the weekend is that no quilting happened. Zip, zilch, none, nada. Oh well, I can get to that this week.I wonder what wonderful surprises are in store for me THIS week?