First, I started sewing together two of my last five Pick and Choose blocks. I didn't finish them, but I plan to finish them tonight. Then, I sewed together 4 more GGG blocks (great great grandmother's quilt), bringing my total to a whopping 8. I keep telling myself that it was the turtle who won the race in the end.

I have pretty much convinced myself that I will need to include some new fabric in this quilt to help stabilize things. This fabric is so old and threadbare that it stretches out of shape at the drop of a hat. I think I will like it better anyway with the blocks framed, either with sashing or put on point with setting squares. We'll see.
I leave for vacation (again! I LOVE SUMMER!) on Saturday. At this point, I don't have a hand project to bring with me, and there is no room for my sewing machine in the car (we are going to the Outer Banks and we are bringing the dog with us for once). Hopefully I can pull something together quickly, maybe work on my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt. However, if I don't sew on vacation, it will be OK. I plan to swim, read, nap, ride bikes, and just RELAX!!! Oh, and there is wireless in the house where we are staying, so hopefully I can also get caught up reading everyone's blogs!