Thursday, April 21, 2011

Where does the time go?

It's been a week since my past post? Really!?!

And I don't really have anything quilt-y to show for it! All that stuff I brought with me to work on in Atlanta? The only thing I did was finish the binding on Donald's quilt.

While a finish feels good, I wish I had done more. But it was hard to fit quilting in with the trips to:

  • the zoo

  • Toys R Us shopping with the kids' own money

  • the park

  • the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center

  • catching up with college friends

  • watching episode after episode of Brothers and Sisters (how have I never seen this show? I am now officially HOOKED!)

  • cruising the Atlanta Underground

  • the hotel pool and hot tub EVERY DAY

  • the College Fair and Case Studies (work! ick! but it's got to be done)

We got back on Monday evening, just in time for karate and a marketing meeting. Then work on Tuesday was the typical day after you get back from a long trip - overwhelming chaos. After work, I picked up the kids and we headed to my mom's house to spend the night because my twin sister was in town helping my mom pack up her house - she's moving to New Hampshire this summer. (don't leave me, Mom!!!)

Look what they found - a bedspread made by my Great Aunt Bertha (or Bernice, or some name that I don't remember...I guess I should write the name down next time I talk with my mom). It is pretty threadbare and stained in parts, but I'm taking it apart and gonna use those embroidered blocks in something!

I can start something new because I just finished something, right?

Then came Wednesday - work, karate and a Board Meeting. How is it that I regularly leave the house at 7:30 AM and don't return until after 9:00 PM? No wonder I'm too tired to sew most days!

But then came today. I went to work, but left at 10 AM so I could take my hubby to the hospital for some surgery on his foot. Minor stuff, and he came through just fine, but there was NO WAY I was going to sit in a hospital waiting room with my boys all day long. We dropped off my husband and picked up lunch, ate it in a park, caught a movie, and then spent a couple hours at the skatepark. While they performed acts of derring do (they were the ONLY kids there with protective gear on!!! C'mon parents!), I sat on my Orphan Quilt and did a tiny bit of quilting on my Martini Girl and my 4th of July Table Runner. Finally, some stitching!

Hopefully this weekend will bring much more time with needle and thread!