I was feeling like I hadn't made much progress on my Sew Many Strips quilt until I compared today's photo with last weekend's photo. Even if no one reads my blog, it is useful to me in this way.
I've got a little more than one quarter pieced. |
It's slow going, but it's growing! With all this work, this might have to be a quilt for me!
I'm off in the morning to visit some colleges in Minnesota. My plan is to take some hexagons to sew by hand, as well as a sock that I would love to finish knitting.
I added this yellow hexi to my GFG quilt last night while binge watching Queer Eye |
My 15-year-old has his learner's permit, so I let him drive today while I knitted in an attempt to remain calm. |
I'm glad to have finished four quilts already this year; it makes me feel better about working on so many ongoing projects these days.