This is a quilt that just kinda happened. My precut squares were overflowing their tin, so I stitched some together. I'd been wanting to try my hand at Freehand Baptist Fans, so I gave it a try.
You know, a quilt that wasn't planned, but just evolved on its own. I have come to love it, despite my initial misgivings.

Now it is time to move on to something new. Remember this tablerunner? It is sandwiched and ready to hand quilt.

Now it is time to move on to something new. Remember this tablerunner? It is sandwiched and ready to hand quilt.

And my Great-Grandmother's quilt that I started resurrecting and then got derailed.
And despite all the great ideas I've gotten from Bonnie Hunter's latest book, I still haven't finished my version of Virginia Bound from her first book. 

Or the mini that I started this weekend - borders are on except for the mitering, which I will admit, scares me just a bit. But that's why I chose to miter the borders, right? Learn how to do something new, conquer my fears, etc.?

Just a few more rows to sew together of the Ribbon Quilt, and then it can come down off my design wall, making room for something else.

There are easily 10 quilt tops in my armoire awaiting either my tiny needle or the longarm quilters.
And then, of course, there are all the other ideas floating around in my head. How to ever find the time to do all the quilting that I want?