If so, you probably remember I had to take it away from him at first because he kept chewing on it, but despite my best efforts, it ended up a disemboweled mess in no time.

Well, after seeing the bed that Nancy-Rose made for her cat, Gibby, I got to thinking that maybe Biscuit is ready for a bed again. He turns two this summer, and he hasn't eaten anything he wasn't supposed to eat in quite a while now. Besides, I feel sorry for him sleeping on the hard floor, especially since we don't have any carpets or rugs in our house. So, last night, I used more of that home dec weight fabric I used to make couch pillows this weekend to make a big floor pillow for Biscuit. I didn't do anything fancy, because I didn't want to be devastated if he ate it, but I think it is going to work this time.