Well, just for kicks, and inspired by Char at Cloth Stitched, I entered it into the weekly themed quilt contest over at Quilting Bloggers. Just now, I popped over there to see what else had been entered. Oh, boy, am I humbled! Click here to check out the 32 submissions for this week and vote for your favorite. I found lots of inspiration there, and you may, too! I'm pretty sure that embroidery will be my project during travel season this year.
But let's take things one day at a time. Once I get off work today, I'm heading straight home for an hour or so of sewing and listening to Anne of Green Gables - I repeat: I VOW to get those rows of the Ribbon Quilt sewn together and get it off the design wall TODAY. Then, it is pick the kids up from camp, head to the pool to cool off, then to the drive-in for Despicable Me, which I've not yet seen but about which I have heard wonderful things.
In the morning, I plan to bring my Orphan Drive-In quilt, my Bright Future quilt and my Christmas Tree Skirt to Show and Tell at the Quilt Guild Meeting, and then I want to get my flannel buzzsaw quilt and my great grandmother's quilt up onto the design wall to start making some progress on those.
I'm so glad it is Friday. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!