checking out the fort the kids built in the woods behind our house,

picking blackberries (what a long, plentiful season this has been!), and going down to the creek with the kids to splash around,

(Water-bending like Aang in The Last Airbender - he was so disappointed when it didn't work)
While inside, I cleaned bathrooms (YUCK!) but only so I wouldn't feel guilty about the time I spent birthing my Christmas Tree Skirt (no more photos until it is done, hopefully by Thursday), sewing together a couple of rows of the ribbon quilt ( I VOW to have the top finished by Show and Tell on Saturday!) and playing with my 1.5" scraps. Yesterday I chose blue.

Judging from my inclination to create the short words first, can you guess what color I'll be working on next?
To round out the evening, I watched my Netflix movie, Up in the Air, while hand quilting, a little on my 4th of July Tablerunner and a little on my Christmas Tree Skirt. A perfect day!