My knitting sister showed me some lovelies she has made for her daughter (hopefully just miniature versions of stuff she has in the works for me (hint, hint, hint):
Quilting is becoming an increasingly important and integral part of my life. My creative outlet changes how I view the world around me, influences the activities I pursue with my family, and introduces me to new people whose life paths wouldn't ordinarily intersect mine. My life is much like my favorite types of quilts - scrappy and unconventional, full of interest and surprises, and with an underlying current of making do (and making something beautiful!) with what I have.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sure sign of a GREAT vacation
My knitting sister showed me some lovelies she has made for her daughter (hopefully just miniature versions of stuff she has in the works for me (hint, hint, hint):
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Weekend in Connecticut
Saturday's conference was LONG and I had some down time in between presentations, so I escaped outside to get some iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts and catch up on blogs on my iPad (still love it!!!) on a bench in a courtyard. I glanced up at this gaggle of students, and do you see what I see?

Lots of blue Half Square Triangles on that girl's white tank top! (Unfortunately, I don't think my camera has a zoom and I didn't want to get right in her face to take the photo, so you may have to click the photo to make it larger and see the scrappy HSTs.)
The conference went too late on Saturday for me to fly home that night, so I booked my flight home for 6:15 AM on Sunday so I could be with my family for Father's Day. At least, I THOUGHT I did. It turns out, I booked a 6:15 PM flight, and wouldn't get home until after midnight. Yup, I'm an idiot. Not only was I missing all of Father's Day, but I was in New Haven on a Sunday with no car and nothing to do. I asked for late checkout at the hotel, but that only took me until 1 PM. What to do with the next 5 hours?
I decided to WALK to the airport. I noticed on the taxi drive from the airport on Friday that it was in a residential area, and Google Maps told me that it was only about 4.5 miles away, so I strapped my backpack on my back (I travel light!) and set off, looking for adventure.
It started out great. I enjoyed walking through Yale's campus, and through the retail district that surrounds any group of youngsters in possession of their parents' credit cards, and found this shop where I just had to stop and browse.

Check out the neat little sewing machine in a case:

And these feedsacks that I forced myself not to buy.

There was also a TON of beautiful embroidery floss along one wall, but I didn't buy that either since I have more than I will probably ever use already.
Once I'd checked out every cool thing in there, I was on my way again. Things were pretty dull for the next 2 miles or so until I came across a Dunkin Donuts, where I stopped for a frozen lemonade and a Boston Kreme. Yum!
At this point, I was starting to rethink my decision to walk, since I only had flip flops and heels (I opted for the flip flops) and my feet were getting not only tired, but filthy. But I soldiered on, and arrived at the airport a mere 2.5 hours before my flight. If you ever need to go to the New Haven, CT airport, BRING A BOOK! And a snack! It is the smallest airport I have ever seen, which, of course, means no refreshments besides a do-it-yourself coffee dispenser and a Coke machine, and absolutely nothing to do. People watching isn't much fun when you are the only person in sight.
Anyway, I got home safe and sound and now I'm back at work counting the minutes until vacation, which starts at precisely 3:00 PM on Wednesday afternoon, and not a second later!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Another milestone!

(Yes, I'm short. Just 5 feet tall. If I stand up REALLY straight.)
This belt means more to me than any other because I had to work harder to get it (never mind that the test itself was so much longer). Last night I felt a nauseating mix of relief/pride/exhaustion/euphoria. Today, only the euphoria remains.
Wanna see me break some boards?
It's a short video, just 41 seconds. These are actually breakable boards (think of all the lumber we'd go through if we used actual boards every time!), but the force required to break them is the same as a regular 2.25 inch (5.715 cm) pine board (over 200 lbs of force if I remember correctly). For our black belt test, we will be using real boards.
So now that the stress of the test is over, back to sewing! I will be doing lots of hand quilting on the Pick and Choose quilt in the coming week, but I also want to make an iPad cover!!! Perhaps this one from One Shabby Chick:

Or perhaps this one from My Patchwork:

Sunday, June 12, 2011
Something for you (Debbie) and something for ME!
Speaking of playing, yesterday the family traveled to the big city to make a purchase - and iPad2. I see lots of great times in my future with this little gadget. I've already bookmarked some tutorials to try, and how easy it will be to bring that down into my sewing room to follow the tutorial instead of printing out the directions. Plus, when I just have 5 minutes to spare, I can easily be online in moments and check someone's blog, rather than waste those 5 minutes waiting for my desktop to boot up. I LOVE IT!!
That's OK, though, because I'm supposed to be sewing, right? I finished my first block on the Pick and Choose quilt...I think. (click on the quilt photos to see them larger and in more detail)
As I mentioned before, I didn't have a plan before I started hand quilting this, just sat down with a needle to see where it would take me. It was terribly angular, so the quarter circle curves in the neutral triangles are my attempt to balance it out a bit. Opinions, anyone? Is it quilted enough, or does it need more? One thing I considered was making the curve a double line, but is that overkill or unnecessary? I'm trying to keep in mind that there are 24 more blocks, sashing and a border to quilt, so I don't want to do more than I'll want to do 24 more times over.
Here's the back.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Once all my guests left, I "remembered" that I had 3 overnight guests - my good friend (and co-Den Leader for Cub Scouts) had a birthday yesterday, so I started the day by taking her some homemade Apple Crisp and ended the day by picking her 3 kids up from school and bringing them home with me to spend the night with us. They are great kids, so it is a pleasure to have them stay over, but last night, when the last guest left and I called the kids in to get ready for bed, look what I saw:
(they are all saying, "We're filthy!" except for Donald who is mad at me because I said he has to take a shower)
They had been making "adobe" to patch bricks. Oh, my! My sparkly clean pre-company bathrooms were completely transformed as we scrubbed the dirt away. And then, little did I know, there was the post-shower hair de-tangling routine for the girls. Holy macaroni! If I had girls, they'd be bald-headed because that was an ordeal! But, they all went to sleep very dutifully after story time, and I was asleep not long after.
Tonight, though, I'M SEWING!!! After school and a doctor's appointment, we are going to the pool to cool down (and soak off any dirt we may have missed last night!), and then I'm going home and sitting down and that's IT! After all the house cleaning this week in preparation for this gathering, my house is both cleaner and tidier than it has been in a long while, so I will feel no guilt about sitting on my behind for a few hours. Tomorrow, hand quilting photos of the Pick and Choose quilt, I promise! There will also be a new recipient for THE TRAVELING STASH. If you haven't put your name in the hat yet, there is still time!
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Hot Stuff!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Here's how it works: when you receive the box, you take out what you want, put in some of your own stash that you are willing to part with, and send it on its way to another home. Take a peek at all the photos below, and if you want a chance to win THE TRAVELING STASH, simply leave a comment below with your STATE. On Friday, June 10, I'll pick a winner around dinnertime, and get the box out over the weekend or on Monday, depending on when I receive the winner's address. (Sorry, only open to those living in the USA - the box costs $14.95 to ship in the US, but $35.50 to Canada/Mexico and $58.50 everywhere else, and I'm not made of money.)
Here's what I took out yesterday for myself:
Cute little panels of quilt-y sayings

An assortment of pins, two rolls of giant white RicRac, some red bias binding, some COFFEE iron on transfers, a BOM pattern
Two yellow prints on a stiff canvas-like materials (I see a BAG in my future!)
Assorted fabric and Joann's FQs
I added the following to the box:
3 Machine applique patterns and 2 simple, little wall hanging patterns
2 quilting stencils and a Triangle square up ruler (I love this ruler, but I found that I had two of them)
2 books, 1 felted wool flower sampler pattern, harvest cross stitch pattern, folksy christmas items patterns
Stack of FLANNEL Strawberry Shortcake squares and scraps leftover from a quilt I made (I'm guessing the squares are somewhere between 8 and 10" - I'm blogging from work so can't measure them)
1 yard of this Joel Dewberry (if I remember correctly) pink plaid-ish fabric plus a scrap of this black zigzag fabric, neither of which I can ever figure out how to use in a quilt
A stack of PSALMS panels

Assorted size (and quality) fabric
A hand quilted block, ready to be made into a pillow or something
Debbie Mumm "Creative Woman" panel and scrap of coordinating fabric
Christmas items to sew - a Santa apron, a snowman Advent Calendar and Poinsetta placemats
Super cute coordinated bright florals - I almost grabbed this, but I know I won't use it anytime soon...
18 Cheep Talk 2.5" strips, assorted Jo-Ann's fat quarters and other fabric
Many patterns including Fig Tree Quilts and Green Fairy Quilts
Cute embroidered bunny cube, some orange-ish bias tape and some blue lace stuff, thick cream lace, pom poms
Two gray machine embroidered dogs
Monday, June 6, 2011
The problem with puttering
The same is true in the sewing room, but for the month of June, I am committed to finishing some things. I've joined up with Rubyslipperz (see the button on my sidebar?) to get some things done in June. Each finish gives me another chance to win her giveaway, but even if I don't win, at least I'll have accomplished something. I hope to:
finish the ELLA quilt for my high school friend

and make a couple covered dish/casserole carriers for some friends from a pattern I found in a magazine.
The second item on the weekend to-do list was to sandwich the Pick and Choose quilt that I sold at the Old Middlebrook Village Day last month which needs to be hand quilted this summer. I've been looking forward to the quilting, but I can't stand basting! And ironing all of the backing was misery, even with my BIG ironing board. But, it is done and in a hoop and ready for me to put some stitches in every day (that's the plan, anyway):