Speaking of playing, yesterday the family traveled to the big city to make a purchase - and iPad2. I see lots of great times in my future with this little gadget. I've already bookmarked some tutorials to try, and how easy it will be to bring that down into my sewing room to follow the tutorial instead of printing out the directions. Plus, when I just have 5 minutes to spare, I can easily be online in moments and check someone's blog, rather than waste those 5 minutes waiting for my desktop to boot up. I LOVE IT!!
Unfortunately, so does my 8-year-old son, so he's been on it much more than me.

That's OK, though, because I'm supposed to be sewing, right? I finished my first block on the Pick and Choose quilt...I think. (click on the quilt photos to see them larger and in more detail)

As I mentioned before, I didn't have a plan before I started hand quilting this, just sat down with a needle to see where it would take me. It was terribly angular, so the quarter circle curves in the neutral triangles are my attempt to balance it out a bit. Opinions, anyone? Is it quilted enough, or does it need more? One thing I considered was making the curve a double line, but is that overkill or unnecessary? I'm trying to keep in mind that there are 24 more blocks, sashing and a border to quilt, so I don't want to do more than I'll want to do 24 more times over.
Here's the back.
That's OK, though, because I'm supposed to be sewing, right? I finished my first block on the Pick and Choose quilt...I think. (click on the quilt photos to see them larger and in more detail)
As I mentioned before, I didn't have a plan before I started hand quilting this, just sat down with a needle to see where it would take me. It was terribly angular, so the quarter circle curves in the neutral triangles are my attempt to balance it out a bit. Opinions, anyone? Is it quilted enough, or does it need more? One thing I considered was making the curve a double line, but is that overkill or unnecessary? I'm trying to keep in mind that there are 24 more blocks, sashing and a border to quilt, so I don't want to do more than I'll want to do 24 more times over.
Here's the back.
I couldnt see too much from the picture...it can be difficult to capture the thread in some fabric on camera. What I can make out does look really nice!! I love the block!
I really couldn't see the back very well in the pic, but I think the design looks fine the way it is. The arcs are definitely good.
I think your quilting looks fine with what you have done, adding the arcs was a good idea. You will appreciate not adding any more quilting when you get to block 24.
When I get to a point like that, I just do the same on all the blocks and see how it looks at the end. I think the balance is good and you probably won't need more. On the other hand, I usually figure out how to quilt it with as little stopping and starting as possible even if it means an inch or two more. I love those scrappy blocks.
Leave the quilting wxactly as it is. It looks lovely. Too much more would be overkill with the fabrics being so busy I think.
Not fair- I wanna play with an Ipad!
You will love the mobility of your ipad. Getting a laptop has allowed me to go from room to room. Waiting for someone to finish with it can be hard! Are you home now? (no work?)
I forgot to say...Personally, I love lots of quilting, close together. I think a quilt holds up better with all the stitching holding it together.
Fantastic block, and the quilting looks great. I love the echo of the star, and the curves. In the end, I think you might want a bit more quilting in the block, but your decision to carry on with other blocks, border, sashing, is good -- get it done overall and simple, and then add or embellish if need be. Great start!!
Debbie R.
I'm going to comment on the quilting on the Pick and Choose before I read other comments. I think what you have done is beautiful and is plenty for the block. I like the 1/2 circles but think more would clutter it up. Your handquilting is beautiful! What a treasure this will be for the new owner!
And, I said on FB, but congrats again on the next belt! I can't imagine how you can do that!
I have the same quilt top in my drawer, waiting to be quilted. I like your choice of quilt design.
The center makes it look like a smaller sawtooth star block, and the curves definitely add another element. Nice job.
Got here from Natasha's blog.
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