I know that I really wanted to make a shadow quilt, but man! Working with just 3 fabrics is WAY out of my scrappy comfort zone. Despite the fact that this quilt is small - just 33.75" x 48.5" - it took me much longer to finish it than it should because it just bored me. Don't get me wrong, I like it, I just didn't like making it.
I put the seed packet panels in alphabetical order, or so I thought. One is out of order, and I took it out and put it in wrong AGAIN! Oh well, that's where it is meant to stay, I guess. |
I imagine I'm not going to much enjoy quilting it either, so this will get done on the machine rather than by hand so I can get it done and move on to something else.
To keep me going while I finished this quilt off today, I started a new scrappy project. When I peruse quilt images online during my lunch break at work, I keep finding myself drawn to this quilt:
I've never made a strippy quilt before, so I thought, why not? I pulled out 5" squares and made 4-patches, then cut some white 5" squares in half diagonally to make the setting squares.
You know the method of making 4-patches by sewing down two opposite sides of 2 RST squares, cutting in the middle, rotating RST, and sewing down two opposite sides again? LOVE IT! Especially the fact that it gives you TWO 4-patches! |
This is much more my speed! I hope to make significant progress on this quilt top this weekend.
I haven't made four patches this way, but I've found a YouTube video that shows how to do it , so I'll try it out next time :)
Love your new scrappy project!! Its wonderful!!
If you want to quilt the seed packets by hand, try quilting different flowers through out the quilt top. Great scrappy quilt, too. Nice job on both. I'll make a shadow quilt one of these days.
Love the shadow quilt. Hope you find some joy in quilting it. Lane.
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