And that new pink owl fabric that I bought has been calling my name, so I whipped up a nightie/sundress for my niece. It was so easy, I'm pretty sure I'll be making another one for the daughter of a friend. Donald was not happy about being pressed into service as my dress form.
The weekend is nearly over, and I've not accomplished nearly the sewing that I had hoped to do:
- make a second dress
- make two Bee blocks
- sandwich the quilt that was commissioned at the Old Middlebrook Village Day, now that the backing and batting has been ordered and received
so I guess I should get back to it. I'll leave you with photos from the campout - what a blast!
We camped at the top of a hill at a Field Training Exercise site for Virginia Military Institute.
Down the hill was a pavilion with electricity and bathrooms where we ate and also watched "Follow Me, Boys" a 1966 Disney movie with Fred McMurray and a young Kurt Russell about scouting.
We could get down there by following this path,
but the boys preferred to pile into the back of this truck - can you blame them? Even I went for a ride in the back.
We played an extremely unfair couple games of Tug Of War - tons of scouts:
versus 5 leaders (I'm the second in line wearing a cap and giving myself a hernia trying to pull those trash-talking tykes over the line.) Needless to say, we lost.

They also played ball, took a tree-identification hike, and made duct tape wallets. Truly, the only downside of the whole adventure was the ticks, but luckily I only had to extract 1 from my boys. So, another year of scouting under our belts. Donald will be joining as a Tiger Scout next year, and I volunteered (in front of many witnesses so I can't back out) to be his den leader. Jason is bummed that I won't be his leader, but I reminded him that he still can't drive, so I'll still be at all his meetings; besides, Donald needs to see that I am willing to commit to his activities the same as I've been committed to Jason's these past few years. I'm just hoping that I don't overextend myself to the point where I need to be committed...
They also played ball, took a tree-identification hike, and made duct tape wallets. Truly, the only downside of the whole adventure was the ticks, but luckily I only had to extract 1 from my boys. So, another year of scouting under our belts. Donald will be joining as a Tiger Scout next year, and I volunteered (in front of many witnesses so I can't back out) to be his den leader. Jason is bummed that I won't be his leader, but I reminded him that he still can't drive, so I'll still be at all his meetings; besides, Donald needs to see that I am willing to commit to his activities the same as I've been committed to Jason's these past few years. I'm just hoping that I don't overextend myself to the point where I need to be committed...
Poor Donald!!! hehehe You need to cook him his favorite supper for doing THAT for you!!! He does still look cuter than all get out, though!
Oh the sacrafices we make our children perform - lol! Cute sundress and even cuter model :)
Looks like fun was had by all at the campout!!
Awe, poor little guy. What a good guy though to do that for you... really cute dress and he looks cute too.
Tell Donald if that's the worst thing you ever do to him he's doing OK.
The campout looks like fun. I agree - the tug of war looks entirely unfair!
LOL poor Donald! He looks seriously put out! But, that dress is darling.
You are a brave one to do scouts. We have Twilight camp coming up and the boys are pumped!
Go go cub scouts!! Nice book bag! And....
Poor I was reading, I saw the dress and thought, she put one of the boys in a dress! Then I read "niece" and thought, oh a girl with short hair. Then "Donald wasn't happy"....I cracked up. Thank him for giving me something to giggle about!
Can't believe you actually had Donald wear that dress - cute though it is! And took a picture of him in it!!
How did you make that bookbag for Jason? That is such a cool idea and probably pretty simple.
Good idea that you are volunteering for Donald's scout troop too - even though over-extension is a problem for you!
Tell Donald he is awesome to help out his Mom anyway he can. I just want to hug him :0).
Happy sewing and have a great summer with the boys.....they are growing up so fast!
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