Moving from Virginia to Massachusetts has made me acutely aware of the temperature. I am FREEZING!!! And I grew up in Maine, so I should be OK with this, but I'll be the first to admit that my blood has thinned! Thank goodness I know how to knit and quilt - I am staying warm with hot tea and lots of handmade coziness.
Back in Virginia, one of my yarn shop customers made a temperature blanket last year.
I love the idea, but wanted to translate the idea into a quilt. I love the quilt that
NeedledMom made with her sister last year using flying geese, and I know the ones they are making this year with square in a square blocks will be cool as well, but with everything on my plate right now, I wanted something even simpler so that I am likely to actually finish it.
Then, yesterday, as I was contemplating the floor tiles in the bathroom at work...
This would be super simple, faster and easier than the flying geese or the square in a square, but still allowing blocks that represent both a daily high and a daily low temperature. My plan is to make blocks that finish at 3.5", and to add in 12 monthly averages at the beginning of each month and a yearly average block at the end of December so that I have an even 378 blocks, resulting in an 18x21 block quilt that measures 63"x73.5" without a border.
I decided to visit my local quilt shop, which just happens to be having a sale, and stock up on some Kona Solids. I'm using the same colors that NeedledMom and her sister used - why reinvent the wheel? They didn't have all the colors I need, but enough to get me started.
Terrible nighttime artificial light. Here are 19 of the 30 colors I will use for this quilt, tracking temps from -23 to 96. I have other colors ready in case it gets hotter than 96, and I'm praying that it never goes below -23 (although we've already experienced -20 this winter) |
This quilt might end up looking really random, but that's OK; it will mean something to me. So far, I really like the colors.
The 10 January blocks I can make with the fabrics that were in stock when I went shopping. The rest will have to wait until the missing colors are back in stock. |
My plan is for the daily high to always either be on top or on the left. I am pinning tiny notes on the back of each block so that I know which date it represents and if the seam is supposed to be vertical or horizontal.
Meanwhile, I'm still plugging away at my On Ringo Lake mystery quilt.
I have most of the block pieces done, but not trimmed. Then it is construction time! |
We have a long weekend from work coming up at the end of the month, and I have designated that time as when I need to start hand quilting my new niece/nephew's quilt.
In the meantime, I've put a bunch of yarn in
my ETSY shop on clearance, so I'm getting my daily steps in going back and forth to the post office several times a day. I love how my ETSY shop supports my fiber habit, whether it be yarn or fabric.
I'm linking up with
Monday Making and
Oh Scrap!