My Patchwork Life (me!)
OK, back to me and my love affair with Dresden Plates. It started about 8 years ago when my guild had a workshop to make stack and whack Dresden Plates from a single fabric. I loved the variety of plates we could get from just one fun print, and I made a quilt for my younger sister for her college graduation. I love that when I visit her now, I get to sleep under it. I quilted the words "MY SISTER, MY FRIEND" in the yellow border around the center plate, so that's what the quilt is called.
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This photo is from back before I added the binding. I really need to get better photos of my quilts! Hand quilted. |
Next, I got excited about plaids and stripes and homespuns, so I made a Plaid Dresden for my twin sister's vacation home in the New Hampshire woods. Unfortunately, that was two years ago and it is still just a top, not a quilt, but it is on the short list for quilts to finish.
For this blog hop, I wanted to make several projects. First, a Dresden Plate Color Wheel clock for my office. I fear that I am a bit color challenged - it took me FOREVER to pick out the 12 fabrics for the color wheel. I finally just said ENOUGH and stuck with whatever was on my ironing board at the time. Not perfect, but they would do. I got it stitched down and wouldn't you know, I BROKE the clock that I was going to use! ARGH! But then I found a clock kit in my sewing room (there are benefits to being a hoarder who buys things on sale just in case I'll need them some day), and managed to make a clock anyway. Again, it isn't quite what I had in mind, but it'll do.
There are corner tabs on the back to hang it... |
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...but for now, I just have it sitting on my mantle in my office. |
Then I found a stack of 5" charm squares of polka dots and stripes that I had pulled out to make something for myself. Aha! A Dresden Plate pillow! I cut out all the pieces and realized there was still quite a bit of each of those charm squares left after those first cuts. I decided to cut baby Dresden pieces from the leftover scraps. They were so cute, I forgot all about the pillow and sewed them together and made a bib, backed with a green knit from a favorite t-shirt that I ruined with a bleach spot the very first time I washed it. It seems every third woman in my life is pregnant so I'll have plenty of options when it comes to giving this away.
Speaking of giving away...I've been trying to straighten things up in my sewing room, and I've come to the conclusion that it just isn't going to look neat until there is less stuff down there. Wanna help me out and take some of it off my hands? I have two things to give away:
1) Victoria Findlay Wolfe's new book, 15 Minutes of Play: Improvisational Quilts - I bought a copy for myself, and then my mom bought me a copy for Christmas. I was tempted to keep both copies - it's that good! - but no, I'll share.
2) Assorted scraps - I have so many beloved scraps that they are overflowing every scrap bin and bag that I have. I've stuffed these into this cute Chinese take-out container.
It's easy to enter to win - leave a comment letting me know which giveaway you'd like to be entered to win, either BOOK or SCRAPS or BOTH. I'll get some computer generated help to choose random winners on February 1. I'll ship anywhere in the world. Until then, enjoy the hop!
Oh, I love your dresdens, all of them! Gorgeous quilts, and cool clock and bib! I would love to be entered for the book, as I was just eyeing it the other day.. I am unfortunately buried under my own heap of scraps so probably won't be needing anymore for some time! ;) But what a cute way to package them! xo
A clock is such a clever idea!!! That is terrific!
and I would love to win the book! I have had my eye on it for some time but just have never bit the bullet!
scraps, I have the book (love it btw)
I am up waiting to make sure my post gets posted. funny we are on the same day- lol
I would love to have either prize. Adore the take-out box.
Great dresdens. Love th clock! So cute! And thanks for the give away. Both prizes are great for me!
Your clock is just cute!! either giveaway would be great, thank you!
That clock is so amazing. I am going to make one for me and for my DH's classroom; he is very into ROY G BIV. I would love V's book, but either prize works for me because "I am Jane and I am a fabric-aholic." Thanks. :)
I really like the cabin plaids dresden pattern.... nice job.... I would love to enjoy the book if you would be so kind?!
I love the clock and its cheerful rainbow colors! I would love either giveaway - my dear daughter got me the book and did not treat herself, so it would be wonderful to send it to her in Sweden and do the challenges together!
Love your Dresdens and that bib is just too cute for drool!!! Your clock is fabulous and I love your fabric choices!! As much as I'd love to add your scraps to my truckload, I think the book might help me use up my scraps!!!
I love the colour wheel clock - such a fun idea - all of your dresdens are fabulous though. Thanks for sharing. Oh and if I win I would like the book please - thanks so much for the chance.
Howdy from Texas. Love all your dresden projects. I had a clock in mind for the hop too. My day is Monday, we'll see what I come up with by then. I'd love to win your book. Stop by on Monday to see me. http://mcsqrd.blogspot.com/
What a clever idea a colour wheel clock, I'm inspired to make on myself as my first Dresden project. I'd be happy to win either prize , thanks
All of your Dresdens are wonderful. What an absolutely brilliant idea to make a clock, it's fantastic!
I just love the plaid dresden. I just finished a plaid quilt and would love to make another. The book is on my "short list" to purchase so winning one would be great.
Fantastic dresdens, and thanks for the chance to win, both prices look amazing!
Your Dresdens are beautiful. The clock is amazing. No need to enter me in the giveaway. Just wanted to tell you I love your stuff.
OK the the plaid dresden just blows me away and is now on my 'list' - how home and country can you get! I love these quilt block clocks - I have to try one of these. I would love the book, but either giveaway is very generous.
Thank you so much for sharing with us. (By the way, my birthday is on the 2nd, and winning your giveaway would make a LOVELY birthday gift) :)
I love your bib! That's so cool. I'd love to be entered into both giveaways. Thanks for the chance!
I love all your dresdens - I'd like to know more about 'stack n whack' dresdens, it sounds fun!
Thank you for two great giveaways - can I enter both please!
Really love the dresden clock,,, I would like to win either giveaway,, love books and love scraps. Dresdens are something I have never made,, must try them sometime!
Wow, you really are into dresdens! I love the variety you achieved with themin My Sister, My Friend, and your rainbow dresden clock is wondeful too! I would love thebook or the scraps!
Ooh scraps, I love scraps and that baby Dresden bib is so pretty, I can see my granddaughter in one. I am visiting Wales next weekend so I should be able to make a few.
Great dresdens! I love your clock idea and may have to make one for my sewing room. Thanks for the giveaway....love the scraps or the book!
hi Erin! I love your Dresden plate projects. I bought myself the Dresden ruler a while ago to make a quilt but have not had time to start it yet. thanks for the inspiration to get going on my project! if my name is picked, I would like the book. Thanks!
Lovely Dresdens!I have not tried making any yet but am getting really inspired to. I would love to be entered to win both the book and the scraps.
Your Dresden's are really pretty. I would love to entered in both drawings. Thanks for the chance to win!
your dresdens are beautiful. I made a wall hanging with them last year.
Great job on your dresdens! Thanks for the giveaway, I'd be thrilled to win either prize.
I just wanted to say - I love the dresdens you shared!!! (I have the book already so count me out so someone else can enjoy it's wonderful contents!!)
your work is beautiful. I would so love to win the scraps for my charm quilt.
I am so going to make a dresden clock for the sewing room! Love the idea!!! Thanks for sharing!!
The clock is a super idea for Dresden. And all your work is beautiful. Thanks for a great give away and sharing all your wonderful work.
I would love the book, I haven't gotten around to purchasing it and have it on my list of books to get. thanks for the chance.
I would love to win the scrap box!
Love your blog!
ohhh you just make me smile...great dresdens...the clock is timely...
What a creative use of dresdens! I just adore the clock. Both, please.
Love your My Sister/ My Friend Dresden! You are amazing. Love the fabric or the book if I am lucky...either would be a treat! Hoping for some snow and extra sewing time :)
What great projects!! You did wonderful work girl! I love the clock. so inventive....I want to win both...hahaha; I choose the book because I need to clean my stash too. thanks for this.
I love the first dresden quilt you showed, they look hard to make. The book looks great, I would love to win it.
Your Dresden clock is awesome. You're right - hoarding has it's benefits, lol. I'd go for either drawing, but I've had my eye on that book since it is a fairly new release.
Your Dresdens are wonderful! I especially love the little bib - it put such a great big smile on my face this morning! A lucky babe is going to wear that one :)
Thanks for offering up a giveaway - I think I'll increase my chances of winning and say I'll be entered into both please :)
Have a great day!!
Love that dresden bib!!! Either giveaway is lovely.. but definitely the book.
Oh, the clock is such a GREAT idea! I'm definitely going to have to do that too! I'm always good for more scraps to play with!
Your Dresden's are so cute! Love them. Now I want to try my hand at making them, too. I would love to win either or both. LOL Thanks for the giveaway.
I love that Stack n Whack Dresden. The colors are great. I thought of making a dresden in the Stack n Whack style, but I didn't have enough of any one fabric, not the time to make a large quilt. The clock is perfect too.
Já tenho o livro,então vou de CONTÊINER.Esta sua colcha para irmã gemea,fiz uma assim,só que de bolinhas,bora fazer???Obrigada por generosa oferta,e parabéns pelos seus trabalhos de hoje e sempre,estou sempre de olho aqui. tiacarminhapezzuto@gmail.com
Love the clock! Perfect for your office. Enter me for the scraps....always looking to liven up my drab stash!!
Your quilts are just beautiful! I know your sisters feel blessed!
Please enter me to win the book. I would LOVE to have that book!
What a great collection of Dresdens, and that your family gets to benefit from all your hard work! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
That bib is adorable. I would never have thought of doing one like that - have to try to remember it. I would like to be entered into the scrap giveaway.
Great Dresdens. I would love the book!
Gorgeous quilts for sure :)
Thank you for the chance, either would be wonderful to win!!
No need to enter me in your contest. Just wanted to say how much I admire your Dresdens! I've never done any applique at all, but your Dresden bib inspires me to try something little like that. (Hey, you inspired me to try machine quilting, too; you've already helped expand my repertoire!) Glad that you were able to finish your clock after all!
Like your projects.
Thanks for the chance to win can never have enough scraps
Love all your dresdens. The colorwheel clock is a sew creative! May have to borrow that idea for my sewing room. Thanks for sharing your work and your quilty goodies. I have not seen that intersting book and my fingers are itching to turn the pages! ... I also love scraps ... :) Pat
Love your color wheel Dresden clock. Dresdens are so much fun and so very versatile. Thanks for sharing.
I like your clock and bib. Thanks for the inspiration. As for the giveaway...I will love anything tossed my way. Thanks.
Love your clock! Thanks for sharing. I would love the book.
Stack and Whack dresdens??? What a fabulous idea. I absolutely love your homespun quilt!
Cute bib you got there. didn't realize you could make them in different sizes.
Put me in both please, if we get a preference I'd prefer to win the scraps. (meaning if i don't win the scraps i'd like a chance at the book.)
Love the color wheel Dresden clock and the adorable Dresden bib! Thank you for sharing and the generous giveaway, either would be fine.
jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net
I love all of your Dresden projects. I'd never have thought of making a clock face but now I want to make one for my work room. As for your giveaway either would be welcome.
You have clever ideas for the Dresden pattern.
Rosemary B here: love the clock. I like the fabrics you chose. It looks bold. Now I want to make a clock like that!!
I love all of your projects. Each of them are colorful and marvelous. I love the bib!!!
thank you for sharing everything.
Thanks for the give away. I love either. Happy Friday
I would love to win both. Thanks for the giveaway and the lovely quilts and things. vickise at gmail dot com
Both! I'd love the book but I'd love the scraps, too! pbstrand@msn.com
I want a clock like yours for my sewing room. Thanks for the giveaway, I would love either of them.
Great dresdons! I can't help but love the plaids :-)
I would be interested in that sweet book for a giveaway item. They area all sweet gifts.
I'd be happy with both but leaning toward the book.
Love your dresdens- the clock is so much fun- I want one!
Book giveaway for me- am inspired by what you are doing!
DachsiesWithMoxieMama AT gmail DOT com
How Cool is that CLOCK.. I think your colors are perfect! What a unique idea! Thank you so much for participating in the hop. Hugs and Happy Hopping!!
Love love that clock. But seriously all those projects are just gorgeous. Lets shee if I won I would like the book as I have no quilting books yet. i am very new to quilting but not to regualr sewing. But gosh who can turn away fabric so I would be hard pressed to chooose between the two.
Love the clock, the colors are perfect. I would love the book. Thank you for the chance to win.
The clock is awesome Erin! NICE job .... I may have to steal (I mean BORROW) your idea. Have a great weekend!! Lisa
Glad you were able to make your clock idea happen as it looks so pretty on the mantel!
Either item would be fine if I were lucky enough to have my name pulled.
hey mama- I love your quilts! that clock though - i want that for my sewing room! Or to hang in my cubicle at school (I work for grad admissions at OSU). thanks for sharing with us!!
Your dresdens are just lovely...I would love to add the book to my library as I am a fan of Victoria's work/blog.
I would love to have the book!
lisamcgriff (at) hotmail (dot) com
Both are wonderful give aways. I have had my eye on that book -- in fact I looked for it last night when I was at Joann Fabric store. I guess that would be my 1st choice. Nancy: rangerer@sbcglobal.net
OMGoodness! The Dresden Clock!! Totally pinning you for a later project!
Hard to pick a favorite from all your Dresdens - thank you from Judy C in NC - beautiful work.
Your bib is just adorable.
WOW! Your Dresden clock is amazing. I never would have thought of this! And I love the baby bib. I like to sew for babies so the next time I will have to try to make some of these. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway. It would be wonderful to win either prize.
I would like either the scraps or the book. I am making bibs and may try a Dresden plate on them
Wow, you're a pro when it comes to dresdens - wonderful. Your clock is so neat and such a unique take on the dresden.
put my name in for both would love to have the book but would love to have scraps because i love scrap quilt's
Book please! Love your dresdens......esp the stack and whack one! The colors are just amazing!
I enjoyed looking at your blog. You are the Dresden Queen ! Very creative to make a clock, lucky you had an extra kit.
Oh my gosh, every one is prettier and nicer than the one before -- although the 'sister' quilt might be my very favorite! I'd love to be entered into both giveaways (is that greedy?)
Awesome dresden.The clock caught my eye!!
I`d love the scraps.Thanks for sharing and the giveaway!
A clock, what a fantastic idea!!! and the colors are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your work with us.
OH MY Goodness! Love your Dresdens...especially the colour wheel clock! So creative!
And what a great giveaway! I would love this book...I have been wanting that book since I heard about it and posted about it on my blog this week! Well, I'd love the scraps too, but one shouldn't be too greedy, should one?!?! LOL
Your quilting is just gorgeous! I especially love the clock.
Thanks for the giveaway! If I won, I'd choose scraps.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
Love your dresdens. Either prize would be great!
I love your dresdens and that clock is so beautiful. Scraps or a book. Help I'm no good at decisions, either would be nice.
Very clever idea about the clock. It's very pretty. The bib..how cute is that, great idea. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful pics and for the giveaway...I always can go for more scraps!
Love your Dresdens, especially the plaid one. Thank you for the chance to win the book. The
fabric would be nice too.
ummm BOTH! lol! Love the clock and the bibs
Very smart, packing scraps in a cute take-out box! Thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies.
Very smart, packing scraps in a cute take-out box! Thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies.
The book looks good to me. What a lucky baby to get such a cute bib.
I love your Dresdens. I will be looking for the stack and whack pattern--that looks like lots of fun! You may enter me in both give-aways. I love new books, and you can never have too much fabric. lol.
Wonderful dresdens. I love the clock and bib, extra cute. Please put my name in for the book. Thanks for the chance.
Your dresdens are so pretty.I especially like the plaids and stripes. I would have never thought to use these fabrics for a dresden but I love the look. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would love to win the book, thanks for the giveaway! awolk at rogers dot com
That's IT! I'm making myself a dresden clock!!! Love it! And scraps, always. :)
I'm a new follower. I would prefer the book. I have enough scraps myself. HA HA
Your Dresdens are fun - I especially like the clock!
I'd love to win the book - I've been wanting to get a copy of it since it came out :*)
Beautiful dresdens. Thanks for sharing them and the generous giveaway. I'd love to take the improvisational book off your hands!
I love your clock though I think it's a little hard to tell the time. Great idea and I love the rainbow of colors. As for the giveaway the scraps look yummy and you recommend the book so either would be fun to win.
Your dresden quilts are gorgeous! And I love the baby bib - so cute! I would love to win the book, but would be very happy to receive either option.
I love the clock and the bib! You did a great job! Thanks for the chance to win - either is very kind of you!
Those Dresden quilts are so beautiful and your clock is a very clever idea to use a Dresden. Thanks for sharing some new ideas for using them!
What a clever idea - making a dresden clock! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, you have some beautiful projects that you have done. I think the clock was a really cute addition. Thank you for sharing all with us.
Oh my word, I love your stack Dresden... and the bib is adorable, I may have to make one for my new baby niece...in pink polka dots Ü
The clock is fantastic! LOVE, LOVE all of your projects. I am now a happy follower and would love to win your book giveaway... thanks so much!
You are always inspiring. I would love to win tHe scraps. Thank you.
I would love to be entered into the contest to win the book, please. I think I will never have enough quilt books. They are a passion of mine. I love your creative dresden clock. I've never seen anything like it!
Beautiful Work!
Please enter me for BOTH!
I'm a new subscriber! :)
campbellamyd at gmail dot com
The color wheel clock is a great idea. You do so much hand work, I wonder how you get anything else done. I think you can put me in for the book. swalker287 (at) gmail (dot) com.
Wow. So many pretty things you've created. I also just love Dresden's but I have to admit I never would have thought to make a clock. Your clock you've created with the Dresden block is awesome. Great job! AND that bib? Just too stinkin' cute.
If I am a lucky winner, I will let you surprise me. I would be pleased with either option. Thank you for the chance.
your quilts are wonderful.
i love your clock. so very clever.
i love the SCRAPS.
I'd love to be in the book giveaway.
BTW, my favorite of the Dresdens you showed is the very first one you made. I think it's the yellow, my favorite.
The clock is a great idea!I would love to be entered for the book. My moms birthday is the 1st..would be a great bday gift!
I love the clock idea!!! Very cute. Your other Dresdens are also beautiful. I'd be thrilled with either.
A clock - What a good idea for a dresden. I have never made a dresden and love seeing how people use them. I am a beginner so I love that you are giving away scraps and a quilt book. The two just seem to belong together. Thanks for sharing!
Oh goodness!! Loooove your Clock!! Grrrreat job!!
I would love to win Both...love scraps!! But the Book would help me use scraps I have! lol Will be happy to win either..or! :)
Hi I can tell that you have a love affair with Dresdens. They are all beautiful and I especially love the clock, but the bib is cute too and great idea. thanks for sharing I would love Victoria's book.
Hi I can tell that you have a love affair with Dresdens. They are all beautiful and I especially love the clock, but the bib is cute too and great idea. thanks for sharing I would love Victoria's book.
I would love to win the book- Vicki has a very fun blog and is so generous to others. What a fun idea to fill a chinese take out box with scraps . I am a new follower to your blog.
Your winner is going to love their prize. Thanks for participating in the blog hop. There sure are lots of gorgeous dresden blocks.
Regards from Alberta,
Love your Dresdens. The clock is perfect for a quilt room. Thanks for sharing.
great dresdens, I love the clock, a perfect clock for a quilter.
Thanks for sharing and the chance to win. I have heard that the book is a must have, so if I´m the lucky one I would love to win the book.
I like to QuiltBlog
love the color wheel. I would be happy to win either.
Love the color wheel clock. Thanks for sharing! I would love to win either. Helen
Love the color wheel clock. I have the fabrics for this and didn't know what to do. Thanks.
I'd love to be entered for the scraps. What is scraps to you is full blown fabric for me!
I think the plaid dresdens are a wonderful idea.
I just love the projects you've created. My favorite is the quilt. I would love to be entered to win the book or box of scraps. Thanks for the chance.
You have outdone yourself with your various projects! A stack and whack Dresden sounds like a cool idea...I must look into it. I would love either giveaway. Thanks!
What great ideas you have....love your sisters quilt.....
I have an ugly clock-now I know how to make it pretty! Wonderful quilts. Your stack and whack makes me want to copy. The homespuns-well, those are some of my favorite fabrics. Books or scraps, both are nice giveaways.
I loved your clock. I love the take-out. Thanks for being part of the blog.
Love your Dresden's they are just so great! If I would win I would have to go with the scraps.
I love your Dresdens! The clock is just great, I want one just like it!
I love books and scraps, so either would be a great treat, thanks for the chance!
I love all your Dresdens, the clock is amazing, the bib is darling...both quilts are stunning. Thanks for sharing in the hop...great job!! Thanks for the chance to win either giveaway. Happy stitching, Pauline
The Dresdens are beautiful and I'd like to make a clock like yours. The book is my choice. Thanks a lot!
I love the Dresden clock. The yellow on the one Dresden quilt is stunning and you hand quilted it - wow! The UFO Dresden quilt for your twin is wonderful too! If it doesn't make it to NH, you can send it to OK - just kidding. I have a book and a template, so I can make my own. I love that you made a baby bib. I'd consider that, but I talked to my daughter today and the youngest grandchild is taking his diaper off. Looks like potty training is around the corner, so bibs are probably not far behind. I don't know if Dad would go for a Dresden on his young man or not. I think a plaid or polka dot Dresden would be adorable on a young man. Thank you for taking time in this busy hectic world to blog and participate in the blog world to inspire fellow creators.
OMG Dresdens are so freaking hard. IMPRESSED.
I'd love scraps.
Hi!! Love all of your dresdens!!! Love love the clock!!! Very creative idea!!! I would love to win either of your give aways!!! Thanks for the fun!!!
What a fun idea with the clock! You certainly have been dresden busy!
You have some great creative ideas!! If I was selected to win, I'd be interested in the scraps!! Thanks for sharing!
the quilts are gorgeous, the bib is sweet but the colour wheel clock is GENIUS! I would like to be entered for both please, thankyou!
Absolutely love the clock, perfect for a quilt room.
I'd love to be entered in both. Thanks for sharing.
Your dresdens are so cute---your clock is totally ingenuous and that bib is the cutest thing ever. :) I would love to be entered for both the book and the fabric, please. :) Thanks bunches.
Lovely quilt. I really like the sashing and the 9 patch cornerstones.
Your choices for the Dresden are so fabulous and inspiring! I have one I am hand stitching tucked away for a couple months, I am going to start working on it today again. I would be thrilled to win either of your wonderful give away choices! Thanks for sharing.
Love, love, love the clock! What a great way to use a Dresden!
Your Dresden clock is genius - GENIUS!! I love it!!! Thanks for sharing your creativity with us and thanks for the chance to win. The book would be my first choice as it has been on my wishlist ofr a bit, but I love scraps, too!
Wonderful Dresdens, Erin. The yellow sisters quilt is so fun and bright. Great clock, too! I have dresden templates, but, I haven't made but one block yet, for a sampler quilt (still haven't finished that quilt, either). Love Victoria's book. I'll have to get it some day.
I'm glad I didn't miss this post after all. I honestly don't know how you find the time for all you do! I would say with 160 comments all ready, It probably doesn't matter what I might want.Does the book require a machine?
I've never seen a stack-and-whack dresden. How many repeats would it require?
Both! Love your clock.
Oh, my! So many pretty dresdens caught my eye - but the colour wheel is my fave. Thanks so much for sharing!
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