I'm making progress on my hubby's quilt, piecing the center together and adding setting triangles, but not as much as I would like. There's just too much going on!
This Saturday, I made an admissions presentation to my husband's Elite Basketball Camp, went to the quilt guild meeting, then spent several hours at Family Safety Day sponsored by our karate studio. The smoke house that the firefighters brought was a big hit - I've never been in one before, but it was cool! I think Donald thought it was his clubhouse - they couldn't even smoke him out of there with the fake smoke!
That evening, I invited my friend's 3 kids over for a sleepover. They played basketball, and cooled off with popsicles.
They caught firelies, then took a break to bake sugar cookies for their mom/my friend
(her birthday was Sunday - maybe this is a new tradition, I had her kids for a sleepover the night before her birthday last year, too!), and then went back out to play kick the can under cover of darkness. Luckily, they all slept in until 9 AM the next day after staying outside playing until 10:30. That's what summer vacation is supposed to be like, right?
The next afternoon, we had a get-together out at her cabin, a combination birthday party for her/graduation party for all the scouts moving up to the middle school next year. We ate, and the kids played in the creek while the adults talked and I stitched down one edge of binding for a Hurricane Sandy Relief quilt.
When we got home Sunday evening, I though, "OK, I'll prepare dinner, then go sew for a few hours." Nope. Donald was out in the woods building a fort, and look what followed him home.
The kids are calling her Jumpy. I see why, since she is always jumping on people, but I imagine they might come to regret it 8 years from now when they are introducing her to their friends. |
I will say, she wasn't nearly this cute when she followed him home - she was FILTHY! Her hair was matted with burrs and twigs and who knows what else. We gave her food and water, then after we ate, took her down to the creek at 9 PM to give her a bath with flea and tick shampoo, at which point, I discovered she was COVERED in ticks. Ugh! We set up the crate for her with a clean sheet for bedding, and it was after 10 PM before she and the kids were settled - no sewing that night.
Yesterday, I took her to the vet in the morning to find out if someone had reported her missing, what she is, how old she is, if they would do the tick removal for me, and if she's healthy. When I picked her up in the evening, I learned that:
1) the vet put her photo on their website, and notified the SPCA and other area vets, but so far, no one has claimed her. I'll be putting flyers in mailboxes in our area this afternoon.
2) She is likely an Australian Shepherd and is somewhere between 3 and 4 months old
3) She appears healthy, but they did remove a ton of ticks, one of which had the telltale bulls-eye mark around it, indicating Lyme exposure. We started her on antibiotics - at this stage, it can be caught and cured, is my understanding.
4) We also started her on some vaccines, since we don't know if she's had any yet.
They were really good about doing some of the work for free since she isn't really my dog, although if no one claims her, she will be. She's a sweetie!
And the best ting is, she's a GIRL! She came right when I needed her, too. My husband has a basketball camp all this week, and his 27 year old nephew and a college friend who now coaches basketball in Ohio are both here for the week working his camp and staying with us. I'm surrounded by testosterone! She is my ally in my male dominated world!