I may get discouraged by how long it takes me to quilt something by hand, but I am always so thankful that I am a handquilter when I travel and have something to work on. On this two week trip (Atlanta to San Jose, Costa Rica to Guayaquil, Ecuador to Quito, Ecuador), I actually brought two quilts to work on: my Orange Creamsicle quilt to quilt in airports and on the plane (since the needles are use are so tiny), and my Scrappy Strings Star quilt to sleep under as I work on it. I am using lots of different colored embroidery floss to quilt it, so I am using embroidery needles, and they, of course, are too big and dangerous to bring on airplanes, so that quilt lives in my checked luggage.
Here's a peek at my hotel room with my quilts out, helping it seem more like home.
view one from my balcony |
view two from my balcony |
Right now I am in the airport in San Jose, Costa Rica after spending 4 days here visiting high schools and making new friends. It turns out that my sister's sister-in-law used to live here and still has friends here, so she connected me with them. I actually had a slumber party in my hotel room last night with one of them - what fun! We stayed up super late talking, but today is just a travel day for me, so it is OK if I am tired.
And I've got a question for you - on my scrappy string star quilt, I'm not sure what I want to do in my big white squares, continue making concentric squares, or quilt some other type of design in the center of the 4 concentric squares that are already there? You can see what I've got so far. In the triangles, since they are smaller, that will just be 3 concentric triangles in there. Ideas, anyone?
Anyone who leaves an opinion will be entered into a drawing for some goodies from my travels. I can't guarantee that they'll include anything quilting related, but I can guarantee that it will include at least some chocolate covered coffee beans - YUMMY!!!
I'll holler at you again from Ecuador. Sew some for me, y'all!
My first thought....really without any thought, lol, would be to quilt straight across the middle of the square, make a triangle each way and aim the points to the middle of the outside quilting, making concentric equilateral triangles. It would look something like a square within a square. Do I have you thoroughly confused? You can forget the idea and just enter me in the contest! Hahaha!!
Anything you put in the middle will work! I have the same sort of project going on here and I have been mulling over some ideas as well. Maybe I'll check back and see what people think. LOL! Your quilts DO ADD a homey aspect to your hotel room. Glad to know you're still able to do a bit of stitching as you travel. ;)
What a great idea bringing along two quilts to cover all scenarios...and your bed...looks much more homey and comfy with your quilts in residence...really like the idea of quilting in varied colours of floss...my first thought on the white squares was something triangle-y like straight crossed diagonal lines so the points are in the centre...but depending on the look you are after maybe something circle-y like a big four petal flower, circle in the centre and four petals on the diagonal towards to each corner (does that make any sense!)... whatever you choose I'm sure it will look fabulous...enjoy your travels...
I think I would go with Becky on this one,,, but maybe have a go at 4 triangles in the square, just to see if it works. Have fun on your travels!
I had the same thoughts as the other commenters so far. I would divide that square into 4 triangles and quilt the concentric triangles like you did in the photo of the triangle quilting. I love love super love the photos of your hand stitching!! What a great idea to bring quilts along to make the hotel room more homey! Have a great trip!
I just stopped to say chocolate cover coffee beans are yummy. Haven't had any in about 25 years. Your hand quilting with all those colors on the back looks so beautiful. I believe quilting (all of it) is an extention of ourselves. With the traveling you are doing maybe pick something to remember a design you see! There are a lot of geometeric shapes on old walls and building. Look around take a picture and recreate it! Hope this helps.
It's nice that you have something to work on while you travel. The view from you motel room was amazing. Love how you are using different colored floss for the quilting.
Love you quilts. Especially the scrappy star, and the way you are using embroidery floss to big stitch it! Great job
Lucky you, another trip to SA! I think your quilting looks fabulous. I would echo the triangles from the strings blocks in the white squares, using the colourful thread.
I love that you're using embroidery thread on this quilt - it really stands out. I think concentric squares would be pretty but I also think you might think of embroidering the names of all the places you worked on this quilt - like Ecuador, for instance. What great memories that would be! blessings, marlene
Happy Travels...Love the multicolored quilting. Like the idea posted by others of concentric triangles w/in the square. Can't wait to see the quilt in person one day.
I would likely fill that space, inside your concentric squares with something circular or round. Just because there aren't any circles in the quilt and I think they'd really stand out. but, just my thought. Filling them with concentric squares will look great, too. I'm glad I'm not the only person that takes quilts with them. Lane
How about a few concentric squares then a simple motif in the middle?
It looks like I am alone on this one but I would like to see some curves to break up those straight lines. My choice would be a square woven knot. (now doesn't that sound like a Scouter)?
Linked hearts? I am still thinking.
I think I recall that a few years ago you had trouble flying with needles. Did you actually have them taken away? I always take my sewing box and a clover disc cutter. The only thing I have ever had taken is scissors I once mistakenly left in my box.
What about quilting a simple flower in the middle space? Also, a star would be really nice, sharp points to go with the triangles. Have fun on your travels.
I like your idea of using embroidery thread fro quilting. I guess there really is no quilt police and anything goes!!! I love it!!
Gmama Jane
I think it will look great if you have something in the middle or maybe a simple motif stitching?
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