I was feeling badly about my nearly picture-less post yesterday, so here we go. First, Donald and I cutting wood for the chicken coop. We couldn't find safety goggles, so we are wearing "cool dude" sunglasses, as my boys call them.
Then, my latest pillowcase aprons. The one with the pockets is for me. For some reason, these pillowcases just said "Spring" to me.
And finally, I put the last two borders on this quilt. It is 39" square, and the vintage fabrics are super soft, so it seems like it would be perfect for a baby, but since all the fabrics (except the white background) are vintage from a salvaged quilt, they are also super fragile. I'm guessing a baby isn't necessarily the best recipient. Is 39" too small for a lap quilt? What to do with this one? I would have made it bigger, but I was trying to use up the last of that white fabric, and I did.
I just love looking at these vintage fabrics and trying to guess what they were used for (besides making a scrap quilt) - an apron? a shirt? a babies jumper?

This weekend is my annual twin retreat with my sister. We are headed to Columbia, SC to see the Zac Brown Band in concert. Anyone from there or been there, with ideas for what else we should do? I'm sure we'll find some thrift and antique stores to browse. She is a knitter - any great quilt and/or yarn stores we shouldn't miss? Any textile exhibits? Great (and affordable) food? Our schedule is wide open and we are open to suggestions.