I didn't bring work home last night for a change. I probably should have, but I just needed a break. Instead, I worked on my Bright Idea quilt a bit (that's a working title - does it fit, do you think?) I finished the last prairie point border, and then played around with ideas for the corners. I made the corner diamonds two different ways using strips like the rest of the quilt to see which I liked best,

and I couldn't decide, so I did two one way and two the other. It's my quilt - I can do what I want, right? That's the beauty of not working with a pattern!

Anyway, this working on the dining room table business is getting old. I need to get my butt in gear and paint my quilting studio and move down there. Perhaps I should add that to my New Years UFO Challenge - my new quilting studio is my biggest UFO yet!
Anyway, no time to chat. First karate, then cub scouts, then back to karate for my leadership class. Hey, did I tell you that I got a plaque last weekend at the karate banquet? Each of the three instructors selected a student to recognize, and I was recognized for my "Inspirational Example and Aspiration to Excellence".

I was so surprised, and quite choked up. The instructor spoke of how I find balance between a demanding career, a family and a commitment to karate. Balance, huh? I feel sometimes like I am teetering on the edge of a precipice, or feebly attempting to keep too many balls in the air at the same time, so being recognized made me feel hopeful that I'm doing better at it than I thought I was.
The quilt is coming along nicely. So bright and cheerful!
Congratulations on your award! Isn't it nice to be recognized? I'm sure you ARE an inspiration - especially to your family :)
The quilt looks great. Maybe you can fix up your quilt studio over the winter break!??
That quilt looks great. Love the colours. Congratulations on your award. You sure are an inspiration.
I LOVE the bright colors. That is a great quilt. Congrats on the award. I might need to take some lessons from you on balancing. :-)
The quilt looks great. Congratulations on your award!
I love these awards.....they are not saying you are perfect but that your positive spirit shows in all you try to do. Yes, being a Mom and working fulltime is already too many balls in the air...but goodness you do so much more! Enjoy these busy years with your boys, being part of their world, it will pass so quickly!
You will all remember them with such joy :0)
Happy Sewing
Your bright quilt is great! What a splash of colour it would give to a room. Congrats on your karate award. You are amazing and an inspiration. I don't know how you get all that you do done while working in a demanding job.
Your Bright Idea quilt is just beautiful!! I love it. Just my kind of quilt. Congratulations on being recognized! It is little things like that, that boost us just ever so much!
computer crash has kept me away for a bit. love the scrappy- you should get an award for it too.- merry christmas! cw
this is such a cheerful quilt ;) I love that you added differed styles of corners - Perfect! ;)
and congratulations on your award! ;) That is awesome.
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Congratulations on your award! (Your instructor just figured out what we all knew already.) I don't know how you balance it all, either, but you seem to do a very good job.
Love, love, love the bright strings quilt!
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