I've been feeling a bit crummy lately as a couple things haven't quite gone according to plan. Sometimes I start to doubt myself and my abilities. For example, last night, I led the Cub Scout Den Meeting. I knew I was going to be doing it because my friend/co-den leader still needs some time after her loss. But, rather than prepare this weekend, I sewed. So, on Monday, after work, I was rushing around trying to make copies and pull everything together. In my haste, I left my bag at home. We were supposed to learn about flags, how to respect and display a flag, how to fold a flag, and then each scout would get a little flag to take home. Guess what was in the bag I left at home? You got it - the FLAGS!
So, since our meetings are at the gym at the university where I work, I went down to the trainer's office to get band-aids, and instead we did the Staying Healthy section - we talked about how to stay healthy, made a healthy habits chart to keep track of some of the healthy things we do before the next meeting, and practiced basic first aid - namely, what to do with a cut. I suppose it all worked out in the end, but I was so angry with myself for not being prepared and leading what I am sure seemed like a disorganized meeting.
I went home and got online. And there you all were! First, with all the positive encouragement, not only about my quilts, but about my life. And then, the way you guys go above and beyond for someone you've never even met. I mentioned someone had suggested building out the stars and adding an inner border on my Scrappy Stars quilt. At the time, I was too lazy to go back and see exactly WHO had made that recommendation. Well, it was Bonnie, who also not only made a suggestion about how to deal with my corners, but even sent me a diagram of how to do it. I'm one of those uber-emotional people who wears their feelings pinned to the front of their shirt for all to see, so this actually made me tear up. Thank you, Bonnie! And all the rest of you, too, for all the little things that you do that make my day everytime I log in.
Awwwww Erin....you are a treasure. I enjoy very much the woman you are and how you continue to strive to do different, better, more....whatever. You don't stay constant or get stagnant. I just wish I had your drive and energy. I am so very fond of you!!
Erin, you are a fantastic person, and a wonderful Mom. Those children didn't care what you taught them that night, all they were concerned with was that you were there to teach them. You have a great way with people, grown or not so grown. I am very proud to call you "Friend".
I read your posts all the time and I can't say enough how much you have also encouraged and inspired me with your stories of quilting, children, work and family life. Thanks for all that YOU share with us.
Hey girl... You're being too hard on youself. Everyone has those days where we doubt we really accomplished for anything. Maybe we should be more prepared for the subject matter but then .... some days it just don't come together.
Now as for me.... I have been having one of those days for ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 3 years ;-)
Hey, you do great and inspire many. Chill out and have a nice cool glass of tea on me.... Molly said it would be okay..
hang in there. The best classes are taught by the seat of your pants. The kids know you are there for them, they can do flag folding next time. cw
We love you too, Erin.
Erin you are so amazing. My secret wish is to be you in my next life. You have such a beautiful family and you seem to have fun together. I agree with Cheryl that the best lessons are taught without prior warning. I was asked to speak once right out of the blue. I was so nervous cause I'm basically shy. But people came up to me afterwards and said I'd written a great speech. Proves we have talents we don't even know we have. You did great.
I have to agree with your other posters in saying that I doubt the boys cared what you taought them - and having something presented that the presenter thinks is disorganized is not something the boys probably think about. Knowing you as I do, I'm certain that you made the safety lesson a fun and memorable one. We've all forgotten things to bring to a class, meeting, etc, and usually our worrying is unnecesary.
Now read all these comments.....what a nice group of folks :0). Let's guess ....you are a perfectionist?
In any event... all is well that ends well....
good plan B too in a scramble :0)
Kids need to learn that not everything goes the way you want it to but you make the best of it. So see... you gave them a life lesson too.
Happy sewing
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