Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Do fish have testosterone?

On the way home from vacation, we stopped at my in-laws where my boys became the proud new owners of 2 Betta Fish Kits. Their first words each morning since have been, "Are we getting fish today?" They are good boys - I couldn't say no. Off to the pet store we went. All you can get there are male Bettas. And they can't be put together or they will kill each other. Great. A husband, two sons, two tomcats, a male puppy, a father-in-law for half the year, and now killer fish. I need a little girl to balance out all the testosterone in my house. But look at the grins on my boys' faces. I am sure the fish will be worth it. (While previewing my post, I just noticed the title of the book laying sideways on the bookshelf. How appropriate! I'll have to check it out...)

It is hard to photograph fish. Here is Colorful, Jason's fish.

And here is Mr. Red Red, Donald's fish.

Would it be insensitive of me to grill tilapia for dinner? I guess it is chicken, AGAIN!


Cheryl Willis said...

You are so funny, no wonder you quilt, you deserve the calm after all that storm, boy fish, too funny. be good cw

Lane said...

Hey, Erin. I used to keep bettas before I moved to the larger aquarium. What I found is they recognize their feeder and will show off for them anytime they walk up. And, they reacted differently to strangers. So let the boys bond with them. They can live for years. One of mine was 5 when he passed. In that time, you develop a sort of friendship. They do sell female bettas that are a little more calm, but still, just one betta to a tank. Breeding has to be done quickly and I never tried. Good luck. There's tons of info on the net. Lane

Kim said...

Okay, it has to be said.......your boys are so cute. How do you find time to quilt with all their activity?
Love the shot of them a Yale resting their heads on the backpacks......
so are you ready to have another one and see if you are blessed with a girl?

Happy Sewing

Rachel said...

Hilarious! You'd better hope that fish don't have testosterone, but if the males will fight each other, then they probably do!

Your boys are adorable - they'll hate to hear that, I'm sure.

Bootzey said...

I just hope with all the men in your household, that you have your own bathroom!