So, in my spare moments, I sew. I finished piecing my Floral Purge top, which I am hoping to make into a patchwork duvet cover. Of course, the wide muslin that I ordered to finish it off has been delayed in delivery - hopefully it will arrive this week. And it rained almost every day this week, so it was a struggle to get a photo with decent lighting. I don't have any floor space big enough to lay this 92" x 92" top down so I commandeered my sons into being quilt holders.
To reward myself for persevering and finishing up a UFO, I started a new project, Bonnie Hunter's Unity Sew-in-Place Quilt Along. Of course, I changed up the colors...
And I read two cozy mysteries this week, Arlene Sachitano's The Quilt Before the Storm and Sally Goldenbaum's Murder Wears Mittens.

Finally, in advance of today's trip to the grocery store (hopefully I won't have to go again for another two weeks), I made myself a face mask, and then made seven more for my boys and husband, as well as my twin sister and her family since they live so close.
My son donned a mask, hoping to go to the store with me. He was pretty disappointed when I made him stay home. |
We're going to get through this, right?
I'm linking up with Oh Scrap and Monday Making.
I love that quilt! The border echoes the center yet the squares give variety. And the center with light and dark zig zags. Everything!Claire aka knitnkwilt
Your quilt is great, I love it! I hope you do get to spend sometime outside today, that should really help you feel better. Sunshine is wonderful! Hoping that backing fabric gets here today. Blessings!
It sounds like your family is getting hit pretty hard by the coronavirus. I'm so sorry. My family is good so far, but we are all fearful of getting it when we dare to venture out for that rare grocery shopping trip. I have made myself a mask, but I need to make more for the rest of my little family and for my extended family to send to them; nobody else sews.
Your son wanting to go shopping with you struck a chord -- I was just saying yesterday how "in the Beforetimes," I would see who wanted to go with me to grocery-shop. Sometimes one of the kids (18, 22, and 22) would come, for company plus then they could add things to the cart that maybe they wouldn't think about adding to the list. But NOW? Nope. We have the one designated shopper, me, and that's enough of a risk!
Regarding the Zoom calls, I wonder if some adjustments can be made in screen height to help, or if other people are having the same problems and people would be willing to have shorter calls, more breaks, etc. Everyone's kind of trying to figure out how to make this work, right?
The quilt is lovely. It's always good to have a creative outlet, but now more than ever!
Hang in there and stay safe!
Sorry to hear about your many connections to COVID-19, Erin. That is bound to wear on your nerves. Congrats on moving your UFO to a completed top. LOVE the name you chose for it and love the color changes for your version of UNITY! Also, if you enjoy cozy mysteries, I recommend Hilary Latimer's latest book The Dyed of March. It's part of her Knitting Game Mystery series and promises to be an enthralling read.
Sending you a virtual hug!
Your quilt is great! Hope the backing arrives soon. You should have seen me scrambling to find batting and backing for Luke's floor quilt for him to run his cars on. I zigzagged batting, and found a piece of fabric large enough to use without piecing. What a mess that room is in! If I stay inspired long enough I hope to deal with it.
I'll be praying for your family out in the world of co-vid19.
PS I loved the postcard of your shop. It certainly was a neat place to visit!!
Good looking unity quilt start....I cheated and used some star blocks from a swap from round two. Happy Sewing!
There is a group trying to find (free) RV's for doctors, etc, to live in so that they don't bring the virus home to their families. You might check on that (started in Dallas, TX). Sorry for your family member. I hope he recovers. Hang in there. It's getting depressing for all of us.
praying your doing well this week. Its hard for us to move forward right now. I'm just starting back to blogging myself this week. I just need to move forward with something positive. Have a wonderful week!
Look at that handsome young man! I am coming to you for happy, cozy book recommendations after school is done; will need some serious escapism! I love the red/yellow/gray/black color scheme on that block! In my imagination I made a yellow & gray quilt, maybe someday it will be true!
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