I wasn't sure I was going to be able to fit any sewing in this weekend, but I did! It doesn't have a name or a purpose, but this 45"x48" lap/baby quilt can now come down off my design wall,

making room for the plaid Dresden Plate that is consuming my thoughts these days. Lots of scraps got completely used up in the making of this quilt, which makes me happy. And if I am counting correctly, 65 different fabrics appear in this quilt. Lots to look at.
making room for the plaid Dresden Plate that is consuming my thoughts these days. Lots of scraps got completely used up in the making of this quilt, which makes me happy. And if I am counting correctly, 65 different fabrics appear in this quilt. Lots to look at.
While at a Halloween/birthday party this afternoon, I managed to start appliqueing down another Dresden Plate - just three of the nine plates left before I can start sewing it all together. I'd love to get all those plates done this week so I can start top assembly next weekend.
I fear my children and I should also do a sugar detox this week. They had Halloween parties at school on Friday. After I worked Saturday morning, we spent all afternoon and evening at a Halloween party. This afternoon we went to another party,

(the two Grim Reapers are mine) and then finished the night with some Trick-or-Treating. We've had so much sugar even my prodigious sweet tooth is screaming, "UNCLE!" I'm thinking fresh fruit smoothies for breakfast - we need something made by nature, not made by mixing corn syrup with artificial coloring. How was YOUR Halloween weekend?
(the two Grim Reapers are mine) and then finished the night with some Trick-or-Treating. We've had so much sugar even my prodigious sweet tooth is screaming, "UNCLE!" I'm thinking fresh fruit smoothies for breakfast - we need something made by nature, not made by mixing corn syrup with artificial coloring. How was YOUR Halloween weekend?