So, they went sledding outside (perfect - these photos were taken from the door of my sewing room - I could keep an eye on them while I sewed),
and I sewed binding strips together.
They did karaoke and then a rock band (yeah, I STILL haven't finished painting my basement. I would much rather sew.),
They played air hockey,
They watched Frosty the Snowman,

and I played, too, so the teams would be even, 3 boys against 3 girls. They beat us last night, but we had a re-match this morning and soundly whipped their gloating boy tails!

I guess I got carried away! Oh well, I am prepared for the next quilt that needs a scrappy binding.
and I sewed binding strips together.
I helped them make Christmas presents for their mother from my stash of pre-cut 2" and 3.5" squares (my kids made presents for their teachers),
They played Charades,
and I played, too, so the teams would be even, 3 boys against 3 girls. They beat us last night, but we had a re-match this morning and soundly whipped their gloating boy tails!
So, when their dad came to pick them up 24 hours later, my boys were worn out and ready to just sit quietly with popcorn and a movie, and I have enough binding to sew onto my brother's quilt. In fact, I have enough scrappy binding to sew onto his quilt 2 and a half times!!!
I guess I got carried away! Oh well, I am prepared for the next quilt that needs a scrappy binding.
Now, it is off to find something fun and Christmasy on TV to watch while I work on quilting my GGG quilt and sew down the back of the binding on Curtis's quilt. Happy Sunday, everyone!