Anyway, I made two of these,
and one each of these (I'm using scraps of fabric, so I didn't have enough to make matching sets). I altered the pattern a bit, but that shouldn't surprise you.
Aren't they fun? Here are the backs. I got the pattern here.
I'm tempted to make a couple more - I'm not used to finishing projects quickly; I could really get used to this. But, there are other pots on the stove that I need to attend to. And I mean that literally. I am melting yet more snow for water. The water guy thinks he can have us in water for Christmas. Of course, that meant someone had to stay home to facilitate that, and I lobbied that it be me. After all, it is my husband's mother that is in the hospital, and I think it is more important that he and and kids be there than me. So, it is just the dog, the cats, the fish and I here at home. It is a bit lonely, but quilting will keep me busy. A good thing about having quilting as a hobby is that there is no water required.
But, enough for today. I am in the midst of reading Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol, and I have Jennifer Chiaverini's The Quilter's Holiday lined up to read next. I may just call it an early night and go to bed.