Quilting-wise, I spent my spare moments working on the August Birdie BOM block, trying to meander quilt my Chicken Soup quilt by hand (confession - I am picking out the machine quilting; I am just not happy with the results), and a stop in a new-to-me quilt shop, Red Hen Fabrics in Marietta, GA where I picked up some chubby eighths for my Let's Bee Together quilt and some Heat Press Batting Together tape. Has anyone ever used this? I am curious to see how it works since I have so many batting scraps that aren't quite big enough for a quilt.
Speaking of my Let's Bee Together quilt, I received another block; isn't it cool?

But here's what is NOT cool: On Friday night, while my kids were enjoying Parents Night Out at karate, I went to a quilt guild meeting and trunk show and then hit the grocery store to pick up food so my family wouldn't go hungry during my absence. I picked the kids up at 10 PM, and had them in bed by 10:30 PM, me, a bit later. On Saturday, I got up, made breakfast, packed, showered, and was on my way to the airport by 9:30 AM. Fast forward to 10:30 PM yesterday (Tuesday), when my flight landed and I went back to my car for the drive home. Guess what I found?
Yup, the groceries from Friday night. 4 days in a closed car in the Virginia heat. I think I know what a corpse smells like. Did you know that packages of Jimmy Dean sausage will explode when left out in the sun? Or that frozen pot pies nearly liquify? I don't even want to know what was growing on the inside of the bread bag, and I am thankful that not ALL of the yogurt containers burst.
I drove to the nearest gas station and pumped gas as a cover for my dumping $98 worth of groceries in their trash recepticles and then scrubbing the back of my car with antibacterial wipes. At 11:00 at night. Before an hour and a half drive home. With all the windows down and the sunroof open in an attempt to get some breathable air.
PLEASE, make me feel like I am not the only bonehead on earth - leave me a comment telling me something boneheaded that you have done. I can't be the only one, right?
I've left groceries in the car too!....but not for four days. So sorry.
When we were newlyweds chickens were on sale and my DH bought 5. We thought we put all the groceries away. My husband kept smelling something foul/fowl in the car but couldn't find it. A week later when he couldn't stand it any more he lifted up a blanket he kept in the car and there it was. What he called the dead body. One of our 5 chickens had gotten loose and we didn't even miss it. We still laugh about it.
I had a friend once that unplugged her freezer to save on electricity before she went on a 2-week summer vacation. Only thing was, she had just put a side of beef in the freezer.
Nope, you're definitely not the only bonehead...my daughter left a bottle of milk in the truck a couple of years ago. We never did get the smell out. In fact, I think we sold the vehicle so we didn't have smell it any more (well, that's a slight exaggeration...).
You are not the only one. I paid for my groceries. Took them out so that I could put them in the car. They had the barriers so that you could not take the cart to your car so I had to drive to the curb to get my bags. I got in my car and went home. Forgot about the groceries. Immediately called the store to see if they were still on the curb. They were thank goodness. Talk about bonehead.
My neighbors went away for 2 days. My neighbors' son went fishing one fine HOT summer day while parents were gone. He came home from fishing and went to work in his parents other car. 2 days later neighbors come home. Everything okay so far. The next day I hear cussing coming from outside. Son's mom was backing out son's car, that went fishing. Mom hears a funny sound in the trunk. The cooler that had the fish and fishwater turned over in the trunk of the car. Bonehead sons.
I've left stuff in the boot of my car ...and then wondered where the dreadful smell was coming from for a few days more before I checked it out...blerk!
I did laugh at your description of what you found...exploding sausage...he he
not a car thing but one time I threw the bag with paper products into my bedroom on the floor and went to fix dinner. I couldn't find the container of chicken livers so went back to the store and asked for another one. After supper I went to put away the other items and found the missing livers. Soaking through the plastic bag staining the carpet. I was annoyed with myself for not thinking to check that bag. I then went back to the store to pay for the 'forgotten livers' The manager wouldn't let me, said he is use to old people getting confused (just kidding- he said the sacker was new and should have known better)I am just glad I didn't wait 4 days to find them- he he.
I do hope you get the smell out of your car - yikes!
I have read good reviews about Heat Press Batting Together Tape and those that have written about were very pleased with the results.
We have one of those electric coolers that can plug into the car lighter socket or the wall in the house. We use this cooler at home when we need extra fridge space...like when we are having a house full of company for my daughter's birthday. A few years back, I bought a ton of fresh fruit and veggies for the party so I could make all of my daughter's favourites... My husband had put them in the cooler in the basement and when I went down to get the apples to make apple crisp, I found that all of the fruit and veggies were becoming well done as they cooked in the cooler...he had plugged it in to heat the contents of the cooler instead of cool them. We are both very careful to make sure the plug is put in the right way now.
That type of thing never happens to me - I usually forget to go to the store entirely, or foget what I am at the store for HA:) I hear that fusible works extremely well to join batting scraps, you can also use inexpensive lightweight fusible interfacing. Bernie
I have a funny "forgetful" story. A few years ago, I was Treasurer for our Cub Scout pack. Each September, there is a local Fall Festival, and Cub Scouts sell Apple Fritters. Cleaning up the booth Saturday night, I brought home the laundry basket with the aprons in it to wash for Sunday. And I also had the money bag in it. Went downstairs and dumped the whole basket in the washer. Came back upstairs. Sat down. JUMPED back up, to run downstairs to retrieve the soaking wet money bag from the washer. Had to lay the cash out on the living room floor to dry overnight. (Of course, the pizza delivery guy gave us a weird look, why we had money spread out all over the floor!) So now the joke at Scouts is that I'm the gal that launders money... :o)
Leaving the freezer door wide open for a weekend????? while still on....bad food + high electric bill...
Like Wendy's neighbors, I've dealt with a fishy car. After ice fishing, my husband accidently turned over the minnow bucket into the spare tire compartment of MY car and never told me about it. I drove that car 75 miles each way to and from work every day and noticed, as we moved into spring, there was an increasingly strong and strange smell in the car the longer I drove it. I can't imagine how I must have smelled when I arrived at work after 1.5 hours in rotten minnow smell!
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