I couldn't just put this little piece of fabric away for another day; it is too small - it would be lost. But what to do with it? I had 9 little 1.5" HST units that I found when straightening up on Sunday, maybe I could start by surrounding it with those.
Duh, Erin, you need 16 to go all the way around, not 9! OK, maybe just on 2 sides? Nah. Sides and bottom and then a sky with a fussy cut sun and moon up top and flowers in the lower corners?
Nah, I like the flowers in the corners, but I want those HST units on all sides. And then maybe I can set it in a golden field like this one that reminds me of the golden hills outside my window beyond my immediate yard. Perhaps with a little border first.
But I'm out of energy to go digging through all my scraps looking for more of those two particular fabrics used in those HST however many years ago when I cut them off as bonus triangles from another project. That's a project for another day.
Meanwhile, my scrappy log cabin continues to grow.

And BONUS! While looking for scraps to use with my teeny tiny house, I found more of the yellow that I used for the centers of my log cabins. I was afraid that I didn't have any more and thought my log cabin quilt would be limited in size because of it, but now, I have enough of that yellow to make it as big as I want. Big enough for a twin bed, at least, is what I'm thinking now. I just love feeling like I am using up my scraps, although you wouldn't notice when looking at my scrap bags.
And BONUS! While looking for scraps to use with my teeny tiny house, I found more of the yellow that I used for the centers of my log cabins. I was afraid that I didn't have any more and thought my log cabin quilt would be limited in size because of it, but now, I have enough of that yellow to make it as big as I want. Big enough for a twin bed, at least, is what I'm thinking now. I just love feeling like I am using up my scraps, although you wouldn't notice when looking at my scrap bags.
And I want to get back to my color words at some point. And figure out what I'm going to do next with the chicks and coffee. And finish piecing my Virginia Bound quilt before Bonnie Hunter gets here next month. Why, oh why, couldn't we have had a snow day like most of the rest of the country (at least that's how it seems!).
By the way, we did have a 2-hour delay this morning, which makes me happy because I get to sleep in until it is light out AND take my time eating breakfast, but they make both of my children sad. When I told them, Donald slumped over and moaned, "We still have to go to school!?!" Jason slumped over and said, "We have to miss part of the school day!?!" Why did I think having one kid prepared me for having two? They are as different as crocodiles and porcupines!
Like you, I had hoped for time to "play" every day this week, but two evenings passed without me touching fabric or my sewing machine :( Too much marking, too tired. Maybe tonight.
Your log cabin blocks are looking great. The quilt is growing! Love the little house too.
Your comparison of how alike the boys are made me laugh out loud. Glad the log cabin can keep growing. It's a great way to use up scraps. Lane
wonderful inspiration here today! I don't get snow days in california either...:(
Kids can be gloriously funny at times! Love to see all your play...
Your kids are too cute!
I look forward to seeing what you do with the little house. I'm still working on ideas for mine.
Your log cabin quilt is looking beautiful - so glad you found the yellow for more centers.
Love the little house!!
Your boys are cute!! Mine are threatening to revolt unless we get some snow here. The other day it snowed and up the street got an inch-we didn't even have any flakes fall out of the sky!
Oh, I will be chuckling all day!
I'm sure you will find something perfect for the little houses. And yes, each kid is a whole new ball game! My twin and I were born under the same sign and we couldn't have been more different if someone had taken one person and chopped it in half!
The log cabin blocks are looking great. The little house is just too cute. I missed your "I made coffee post", but think it is wonderful. I am a coffee lover, but have to limit my intake,thats okay cause it makes me savor my two cups a day limit. And it is not snowing everywhere! I had to go into work too and like Donald I was not happy about it! LOL I kept changing the tv channel hoping somebody would announce closure for my work HA! Bernie
I'm still deciding on what to do with my little house block.
your looks great...
Are you making your letters freestyle like Tonya or are you following a pattern? they look really good :0).
Happy Sewing
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